STL Held Commencement Celebrations for the Class of 2023

Domain names remain a critical component of the internet landscape despite the advent of new technologies and search engines. This alphanumeric sequence plays a crucial role in online branding, identity, and search engine optimization, serving as the real estate of the 21st century. The convergence of legal principles governing trademarks and domain names highlights the importance of establishing clear identities and avoiding confusion between the two. The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) provides a reasonable resolution to conflicts between domain names and trademarks while inspiring legislators to refine the trademark system.

This paper explores the interplay between trademark and domain name systems and highlights the lessons that each system can learn from the other. One of the significant lessons is the need for a cohesive and efficient intellectual property rights (IPR) system that generates synergistic benefits. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the interplay between trademarks and domain name systems by automating domain name availability checks and improving dispute resolution processes. However, stakeholders must carefully consider the implications and benefits of incorporating AI language models into the legal landscape.