Professor Sang Yop Kang Visited Stanford Law School for Academic Research

Recently, Professor Sang Yop Kang (姜尚烨) was invited by Stanford Law School to conduct joint research projects. Professor Kang and corporate law faculty at Stanford Law School (primarily with Professor Curtis Milhaupt) work collaboratively on topics such as “Hostile Takeovers in China” and “Shareholder Activism in East Asia.”

Sang Yop Kang is Professor of Law (full professorship with tenure) at Peking University School of Transnational Law. He teaches and researches in the areas of corporate governance, corporate law, law and economics (of corporate law and securities regulations), capital markets, financial market regulations, and East Asian economies and corporate law systems.

(Professor Kang in his office at Stanford Law School)

(Professor Kang with Professors Curtis Milhaupt and George Triantis)

(Professor Kang and Professor Michael Klausner)