Professor Nitzan Shilon Presents His Current Working Paper in the US and Europe

Recently, STL professor Nitzan Shilon was invited to present his working paper, “Pay for Destruction: The Executive Compensation Arrangements That Incentivize Value-Decreasing Stock Buybacks,” at four different conferences. The conferences are hosted by universities from the US and Europe and often engage multidisciplinary scholars from across the globe.

Professor Shilon has presented at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Conference on Financial Regulation, which has been held annually since its inauguration in 2012 and has attracted scholars from across multiple disciplines. He has also presented at the University of Tennessee’s two-day National Business Law Scholars conference (“NBLSC”), a legal scholar hub since 2009. Further, professor Shilon has discussed his paper at the German Law and Economics Association (“GLEA”) annual conference, hosted by Freie Universitat Empirical Legal Studies Center. Finally, he has been invited to present his paper in the annual conference of the European Law and Economics Association, hosted this year by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Law School & Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. All events are held virtually this year.

Professor Shilon’s other writing about stock buybacks includes his published paper,Stock buyback ability to enhance CEO compensation: theory, evidence, and policy implications(25 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 303 (2021)), a recent post on the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets, and his article on Agenda (a Financial Times’ boardroom resource), The Pay Incentives that Failed Boeing’s CEO, (Feb. 3, 2020). In April, he was invited to discuss his insights on executive compensation and stock buybacks on CII’s Podcast “The Voice of Corporate Governance”.

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