Gilad Abiri





  • Constitutional Law I

  • Constitutional Law II

  • Data Privacy Law

  • Speech in the Digital Age


  • LL.M.和J.S.D.,耶鲁大学

  • LL.M.,特拉维夫大学


Gilad Abiri,北京大学国际法学院副教授,耶鲁大学法学院信息社会项目访问学者。他的研究重点是宪法中的政治身份问题。具体而言,他的著作涉及比较宪法、法律与技术以及法律与宗教等领域。他最近的文章发表在《BYU Law Review》和《Columbia Journal of Transnational Law》上。在加入 STL 之前,Abiri是耶鲁大学法学院的法学讲师,他在那里完成了LL.M.和J.S.D.学位,并担任耶鲁大学麦克米伦国际研究中心(the Macmillan Center for International Studies)博士后研究员。另外,他还在纽约大学法律与哲学中心担任了一年时间的全球博士后研究员。在攻读博士学位期间,他是谢尔人权研究学者(Schell Human Rights Fellow)和宗教、社会和政治倡议的初级研究学者。Abiri还持有特拉维夫法学院的LL.M.学位,并且是特拉维夫大学跨学科项目杰出毕业生。

  • Abiri, Gilad. “From a Network to a Dilemma: The Legitimacy of Social Media”. Stanford Technology Law Review. (Co-authored with Sebastian Guidi, forthcoming)

  • Abiri, Gilad. “The People`s (Republic) Algorithms”. Notre Dame Journal of Comparative and International Law, 2022, Co-authored with Xinyu Huang)

  • Abiri, Gilad. “Beyond True and False: Fake News and the Digital Epistemic Divide”. Mich. Tech. L. Rev. 2022

  • Abiri, Gilad. “Moderating from Nowhere”. BYU L. Rev. 2022

  • Abiri, Gilad. "The Pandemic Constitution", Colum. J. Transnat’l L. (2021)(Co-authored with Sebastian Guidi)

  • Abiri, Gilad. "The Distinctiveness of Religion as a Jeffersonian Compromise", Penn St. L. Rev. (2020)

  • Abiri, Gilad. "Divisiveness, Political Identities and the Establishment Clause", Pace L. Rev. 396 (2020)

  • Abiri, Gilad. "The Freedom of Religious Nationalism", Asian Journal of Law and Society (2021)

  • Abiri, Gilad. "The Role of Authority and Sanctity in State–Religion Conflicts", in REGULATING RELIGION IN ASIA: NORMS, MODES, AND CHALLENGES 59–78 (Jaclyn L. Neo, Arif A. Jamal, & Daniel P. S. Goh eds., 2019).

  • Taught a two week Summer seminar sponsored by the STUDIENSTIFUNG, Germany`s most prestigious scholarship foundation, on the regulation of fake news.

  • The Legitimacy of Social Media,

  •  - ICON annual conference, Poland

  •  - ISP Ideas Lunch, Yale Law School, USA

  • Beyond True and False: Fake News and the Digital Epistemic Divide, Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference, 2022, Yale Law School, USA

  • 'Moderating from Nowhere', IACL Junior Scholars Forum, 2021
