耶鲁大学法学院Harold Koh教授访问北京大学国际法学院

2015年3月14日下午,北京大学国际法学院迎来耶鲁大学法学院Harold Koh教授并有幸邀请他就“从法律规则和“Smart Power”的运用角度浅谈美国政府的政治参与(U.S. Engagement Through the Respect for the Rule of Law and Use of “Smart Power.”)”主题开展讲座,我院两百余名教师与学生参加了本次讲座。Koh教授是全球国际公法领域的著名学者之一,也是耶鲁大学法学院的Sterling教授。他曾担任美国国务院法律顾问、关注民主、人权,与劳工利益的助理美国国务卿、以及耶鲁大学法学院院长。

Professor Koh engaged the audience with insider stories about the Obama administration’s commitment to international engagement based on respect for the rule of law, as well as then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s commitment to the use of “smart power” – a term encompassing defense, diplomacy, development, human rights, and other elements that fall outside of military “hard power.” Professor Koh also talked about the importance of equipping China’s next generation of lawyers with an understanding of transnational law practice. He said that STL graduates are uniquely prepared for the challenges of the global legal services marketplace because of STL’s innovative dual degree J.D./J.M. program of study.

Of note, Professor Koh has two important connections with STL. One is Associate ​Professor Mark Feldman, who served as Chief of the NAFTA Arbitration Section of the State Department’s Office of Legal Advisor while Professor Koh was Legal Advisor. The other is Vice Dean Stephen Yandle, with whom Professor Koh worked for many years while Dean Yandle was Associate Dean of the Yale Law School.