
第十三届“贸仲杯”国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭辩论赛(“贸仲杯”)于2015年12月6日至10日在北京成功举办,众多高校的优秀学子参与其中。我院2014级学生吉阳、姜欣欣,和2013级学生王宇石、张洞天在助理院长Eric H. Mao的带领下组队参赛。经过循环赛、淘汰赛、半决赛和决赛共85场比赛激烈的角逐,我院喜获辩论赛第三名,王宇石获最佳辩手。




今年,我院除了参加国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭比赛(the Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court),还组队参加了欧洲法律学生协会WTO模拟法庭辩论赛(the European Law Student Association WTO Moot Court)、国际刑事法院审判比赛(the International Criminal Court Trial Competition)、Jessup国际法模拟法庭(the Jessup International Law Moot Court),和红十字国际人道法模拟法庭(the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court)。

Ji commented, “I had expected the experience would be memorable, but never knew it would be so indelible.” Crediting the team’s success to STL’s “unique legal education,” Jiang noted the many opportunities for “extensive daily reading” and to “intensify our oral argument skills” that prepared her and her teammates for the rigors of the competition.

Zhang remarked on the team’s terrific chemistry, “it was a pleasure to work with my smart, dedicated and trustworthy teammates. Without them, none of what we accomplished would have happened.” Summing up the entire experience, Wang said, “this was an amazing journey. The entire preparation process was tough, but fun. We never stopped pushing ourselves. We tried always to read more, to think deeper, to express better, and all of our self-challenging eventually turned into self-improvement.”

The CIETAC Cup is sponsored by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). The CIETAC Cup uses the same case problem as the international Vis competition, focused around the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and simulating an actual arbitral hearing. The competition is held entirely in English.

The four students on STL’s Vis team are among 24 who participate each year in the school’s international moot court program. The moot court competitions provide intense training in legal writing and oral advocacy, helping to augment skills acquired in the school’s Transnational Legal Practice program. Faculty coaches work closely with each moot court team to guide learning while the law school provides financial support for travel.

This year, in addition to the Vis team competing in Vienna, STL has teams competing in the Vis (east) Competition (based in Hong Kong), the European Law Student Association WTO Moot Court (based in Geneva), the International Criminal Court Trial Competition (based at the Hague), the Jessup International Law Moot Court (based in Washington, D.C.), and the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court (based in Hong Kong).

By Eric H. Mao, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs