Christian Pangilinan





  • 法律分析、写作与检索

  • 国际模拟法庭


  • J.D., 乔治城大学

  • M.A., 约克大学

  • B.A., 英属哥伦比亚大学


Christian Pangilinan,法律高级讲师,本科毕业于英属哥伦比亚大学,硕士毕业于约克大学,获得乔治城大学法律中心J.D.学位。曾于2016年至2023年间担任北京大学国际法学院助理院长(主管教务教学工作),2015年至2016年期间担任跨国法律实践与学术支持项目主任。在加入STL之前,他曾在坦桑尼亚为难民和寻求庇护者提供法律援助,并在乔治城大学法学院LLM项目办公室工作。

他曾在亚洲基金会的法律与人权部门、美国公民自由联盟国家监狱项目、平等就业机会委员会以及美国第九巡回上诉法院等机构实习,并且是Street Law项目和华盛顿特区法律学生法庭诊所的成员。除了教授《法律分析、写作与检索》课程外,他还为模拟法庭团队提供指导,并为STL学生开发学术支持项目。他曾教授国际难民与移民法及跨国法律实践课程。

  • Local Integration and Congolese Migrants in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1 African Human Mobility Review 1 (2015)

  • Forced Migration, in A Companion to State Power, Liberties and Rights (eds. Sharon Morley et al.) (2017)

  • A Role for the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights in Developing a Binding Regional Framework for Refugee Protection, 19 African Yearbook of International Law 45 (2014)

  • Human Rights Challenges for Sexual Minorities in Dar es Tanzania, LGBTQ Policy Journal (2014) 

  • The First Country of Asylum Principle in Tanzania: A National and East Africa Perspective, Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter (May 2013).

  • Challenging RSD clients’ preferences for foreign service providers, 41 Forced Migration Review (2012)

  • The Dispute Over Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines: The Need to Define Extrajudicial Killings as State-Sponsored Acts, Philippine Law Journal (2012)

  • Human Rights in Aquino’s Philippines, 13 Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (2012),

  • Implementing a Revised Urban Refugee Policy in Tanzania, 2 Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration (2012)

  • “American Indian Law Goes Abroad” at Asia Law Institute Conference (2014) – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • “A Role for the African Court of Justice and Human Rights in Developing a Binding Regional Framework. for Refugee Protection” at African Association of International Law Conference (2013) – Maputo, Mozambique
