Francis Snyder

C.V. Starr教授




  • 欧盟法

  • 世贸组织法

  • 世贸组织与中国

  • 食品安全法规与政策


H.D.R., 艾克斯-马赛大学

Ph.D., 巴黎第一大学

J.D., 哈佛大学法学院

B.A., 耶鲁学院

富布莱特学者, 巴黎政治大学


Francis Snyder,北京大学国际法学院C.V. Starr法学教授,欧盟让•莫内讲座教授,北大跨国法律研究中心联合主任,国际贸易与投资法学会(澳门)主任。自1988年,Snyder教授开始在比利时布鲁日欧洲学院任访问教授。Snyder教授毕业于耶鲁学院和巴黎政治学院,并持有哈佛大学法学院J.D.学位及非洲法律与经济学证书,以及巴黎第一大学的博士学位。Snyder教授曾任欧洲大学学院(佛罗伦萨)法学院院长,欧洲法律学院联合主任以及伦敦大学法学教授和伦敦政治经济学院百年教授。他是中欧高等教育合作项目的第一位Robert Schuman教授,几乎参与了中欧高等教育领域的所有合作项目,包括担任英国文化协会中欧法律与司法合作项目团队学术负责人,该项目的成果之一是建成中国政法大学中欧法学院。他被列入马奎斯世界名人录(Marquis Who’s Who)和国际作者和作家名人录(International Authors and Writers Who’s Who)。他也是中国外国专家咨询委员会(FEAC)和外国专家局(SAFEA)的成员。2018年,他荣获中国政府友谊奖,是中国政府为表彰在中国现代化建设和改革开放事业中作出突出贡献的外国专家而设立的最高奖项。

Snyder教授是欧盟法及国际经济法方面的学者。他在食品安全、技术标准、反倾销、中欧关系方面有深入研究。 他创办了《欧洲法研究》,且在2014年1月前一直担任总编辑,同时又是多份法律期刊编辑委员会和顾问委员会委员,以及中国社会科学院欧洲研究所顾问委员会委员。他还是中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会(深圳国际仲裁院)世界贸易组织法、欧盟法和食品安全方面的仲裁员。

Snyder教授迄今完成著作四十余部,学术论文二百多篇。出版书籍包括《The European Union and China, 1949-2008: Basic Documents and Commentary》 (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2009),此书中文版《欧洲联盟与中国(1949-2008):基本文件与评注》 [平装],共两卷,由社会科学出版社于2013年4月出版;《The EU, the WTO and China: Legal Pluralism and International Trade Regulation and The Future of Transnational Law: USA, EU, China and BRICS》 (此书和国际法学院毕业生、现任国际法学院高级项目主任卢毅合作完成)。他的文章在社会科学研究网(SSRN)经常排名前十。他当前正在进行的研究重点关注世贸组织、欧盟和中国的食品安全法,在编书籍《International Legal Pluralism and Regulation of Food Safety in China》(厦门国际法高等研究院课程集)将于2015年出版。

Snyder教授近期在经济和社会监管、农业和食品安全上的研究成果颇丰,包括2014年7月发表在《中外法学》英文版的《中药和欧盟法》(共同研究人:卢毅和Gulrez Yazdani),2013年9月发表在《北京大学跨国法律评论》上的《We Need a Global Food Safety Agency: Reflections on the Hidden Jurisprudence of the WTO》,以及2012年发表在剑桥大学出版社出版的Oxford Handbook of the European Union中的文章Common Agricultural Policy。


近期,Snyder教授受邀向中国中央政府提供食品安全系统改革建议。他参加了2013年5月在北京举办的国家外国专家局专家会议,并于2013年8月在山东青岛举办的国家外专局专家会议上就“中国的食品安全体系改革”发表报告。在青岛的会议上,人力资源和社会保障部副部长、国家外国专家局局长张建国授予Snyder教授“水晶纪念奖杯”,以感谢他对外国专家引进项目的贡献。同时被授予“水晶纪念奖杯”的另外两位专家分别是北大国际法学院创院院长、上海纽约大学副校长Jeffrey Lehman,和国际食物政策研究所所长樊胜根博士。2014年4月,Snyder教授受邀参加了中国国家主席习近平在比利时欧洲学院的演讲活动。此外,Snyder教授参与了欧洲学院中欧研究中心的揭牌仪式,并在欧洲学院中欧研究中心和中国(海南)改革发展研究院2014年4月举办的“中国改革对欧盟及世界的影响”高级研讨会分论坛“中国改革走向-深化改革全局规划”上发表题为“食品安全、高等教育和社会团结伦理”的演讲。



  • Snyder, Francis,Food Safety Law in China: Making Transnational Law.(E.J.Brill, Leiden, for Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law, 2016, 584 pp)

  • Snyder, Francis,The EU, the WTO and China: Legal Pluralism and International Trade Regulation(Hart Publishing, Oxford, Series: China and International Economic Law’, 2010, 651 pp)

  • Snyder Francis,The European Union, the WTO and China: Essays on Globalisation and Sites of Governance, published by agreement as the first part of:EC Antidumping Law: Theory and Practice(eds. SNYDER Francis and TANG Qingyang) (FaluChubanshe/China Law Press, Beijing, 2005) [in Chinese], 496 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.International Trade and Customs Law of the European Union(Butterworths Law Publishers, London, Series: ‘Commercial Laws of Europe’, 1998), lxi+650 pp., reprinted Tollet Publishers Ltd, Dublin and Sussex, 2007

  • Snyder, Francis.Introduction to the Law of the European Union[in Chinese; translatin by Song Ying] (Peking University Press, Beijing, 1996), 185 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.Study Guide on European Community Law(The External Programme, University of London, London, 1stedition 1990, 2ndedition 1992, 3rdedition 1994), 84 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.New Directions in European Community Law(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, ‘Law in Context’ Series, 1990), xviii+181 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.Common Agricultural Policy of the European Economic Community(Butterworths, London, 1990; reprinted from: 1(2)Halsbury’s Laws of England(4thedition, republished 1990), 207 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.Law of the Common Agricultural Policy(Sweet & Maxwell, ‘Modern Legal Studies’ Series, London, 1985), xxxiv+181 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.Droit de la Politique Agricole Commune(Editions Economica, Paris, 1987), ix+241 pp [French translation of number 6]

  • Snyder, Francis.Capitalism and Legal Change: An African Transformation(Academic Press, New York, Series: ‘Studies in Law and Social Control’, 1981), xiv+344 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (with the collaboration of M.-A. SAVANE).Law and Population in Senegal: A Survey of Legislation(Afrika- Studiecentrum, Leiden, 1977), v+242 pp

  • Snyder, Francis.One-Party Government in Mali(Yale University Press, New Haven, 1965), xi+178 pp

Edited books and special issues:

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),China and the European Union : Perspectives from the European Law Journal/Virtual Issue of theEuropean LawJournal, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), available in electronic form at

  • Snyder, Francis (editor and sole contributor),The European Union and China, 1949-2008; Basic Documents and Commentary(Hart Publishing, Oxford, February 2009), xxiv+1103 pp, Chinese translation by Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, to be published in 2013

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),The European Union, India and China: Strategic Partners in a Changing World / L’Union européenne, l’Inde et la Chine: Parténaries stratégiques dans un monde en mutation(5thInternational Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH) / 5ème Rencontre international des Jeunes Chercheurs (RIJC) (Bruylant, Brussels, 2008), 288 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (Guest editor),The European Union, India and China,special issue of theEuropean Law Journal,13, 6, 2007, 184 pp

  • Snyder Francis (ed),L’Union européenne: Projets de société en devenir /Designing the European Union(4èmeRencontre Internationale des Jeunes Chercheurs (RIJC) / 4th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH) (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2007), 214 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (Guest editor)Designing the European Union, special issue of theEuropean Law Journal,12, 5 2006, pp 557-706 (149 pp.)

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),L’élargissement et la nouvelle Europe depuis 2004 / Enlargement and the New Europe after 2004(3èmeRencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs RIJC / 3rd International Workshop for Young Scholars WISH) (Bruylant, Brussels, 2005), 334 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (guest editor),Enlargement and the New Europe after 2004,Special Issue of the《欧洲法研究》, 11, 5, 2005, pp 525-674 (149 pp)

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),International Food Security and Global Legal Pluralism / La sécurité alimentaire et le pluralisme juridique global(2èmeRencontre internationale des Jeunes Chercheurs RIJC / 2ndInternational Workshop for Young Scholars WISH) (Bruylant, Brussels, 2004), 234 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (guest editor),Food Safety in the European Union, Special Issue of the《欧洲法研究》, 10, 5, 2004, pp 495-648 (153 pp)

  • Snyder, Francis (ed)Governance and the European Union / Gouverance et l’Union européenne(Première rencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs RIJC / First International Workshop of Young Scholars WISH, Aix-en-Provence 2000 Volume II (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2003), 393 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),Comment protéger les intérêts du citoyen dans l’Union européenne d’aujourd’hui? / Protecting the Interests of the Citizen in Today’s European Union(Première rencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs RIJC / First International Workshop of Young Scholars WISH, Aix-en-Provence 2000 Volume I (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2003), 293 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),Regional and Global Regulation of International Trade(Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2002), xx+304 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),The Europeanisation of Law: The Legal Effects of European Integration(Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2000), xxi+348 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed), ‘Special Issue on ‘Economic Globalisation and the Law’ dedicated to Federico Mancini’,《欧洲法研究》, 5, 4, December 1999, 147 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),Constitutional Dimensions of European Economic Integration(Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996), ix+375 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),European Community Law,two volumes, (Dartmouth Publishing Company, Aldershot, ‘International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory’ Series, 1993), Volume I, xxvi+477 pp., Volume II, xxviii+460 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed) ‘A Regulatory Conference on Foodstuffs, Workshop organised by Francis Snyder, European University Institute, Florence, 6 et 7 May 1993, EUI Working Paper LAW n° 94/4, 203 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed),New Perspectives on European Law, Special Issue of theModern Law Review, 53, 5, September 1990, 134 pp

  • Snyder, Francis (ed), Special Issue on ‘Law in Rural Africa’,Rural Africana,22, Fall 1973, 123 pp

Jointly edited books and special issues:

  • Snyder, Francis and Lu, Yi (eds),The Future of Transnational Law : EU, USA, China and the BRICS / Le futur du droit transnational : UE, USA, Chine et lesBRICS (Brussels, Bruylant, 2014), 528 pp

  • Snyder, Francis, Sonntag, Albrecht and Shen, Wei (eds),‘The Visible Hand’’: European and Global Perspectives on Financial Market Regulation and Economic Governance / ‘La Main Visible’: Perspectives européennes et globaux sur la regulation des marches financiers et la gouvernance économique(Brussels, Bruylant, 2012)

  • Snyder, Francis and Thym, Daneil (eds),Europe – A Continent of Immigration? Legal Challenges in the Construction of European Migration Policy / Europe: Un continent d’immigration? Défis juridiques de la Politique européenne de migration(Brussels, Bruylant, 2011)

  • Snyder, Francis and Maher, Imelda (eds),The Evolution of the European Courts: Change and Continuity / L’évolutions des juridiques européennes: Changement et continuité(Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2009, 263 pp)

  • Snyder, Francis, and Maher, Imelda (eds),The Evolution of the European Courts: Institutional Change and Continuity,Special Issue of theEuropean Law Journal,14, 6, November 2008, 188 pp

  • Mahiou, Ahmed and Snyder, Francis (eds),La Sécurité alimentaire / Food Security and Food Safety(E.J. Brill for the Hague Academy of International Law, Leiden, 2006), 933 pp

  • Snyder, Francis and Tang Qingyang (eds),Ou Meng Fan Qing Xiao Zhi Du Yu Shi Wu Yan Jiu(EC Anti-dumping Law: Theory and Practice)(China Law Press, Beijing, 2005) [in Chinese], 496 pp

  • Bourrinet, Jacques and Snyder, Francis (eds),La Sécurité alimentaire dans l’Union européenne(Bruylant, Brussels, 2003), 189 pp

  • Snyder, Francis and Hay, Douglas (eds),Labour, Law and Crime: An Historical Perspective(Tavistock, Londres, 1987), x+309 pp

  • Hay, Douglas and Snyder, Francis (eds),Policing and Prosecution in Britain 1750-1850: Essays in the Social History of the Criminal Law(Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989), xv+470 pp

  • Ghai, Yash, Luckham, Robin and Snyder, Francis (eds),The Political Economy of Law(Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1987), xvi+821 pp

  • Snyder, Francis and Slinn, Peter (eds),The International Law of Development: Comparative Perspectives(Butterworths Law Publishers, London, 1987), ix+322 pp

  • Snyder, Francis and Le Roy, Etienne (eds),L’anthropologie juridique francophone,Special Issue of theJournal of Legal Pluralism, November 1990

Participation in groups of experts:

  • Snyder, Francis, Lead Foreign Expert for Reform of Food Safety Law in China, Foreign Experts Advisory Committee (FEAC), State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), from 2013

  • Snyder, Francis, invited participant, Public Hearing on Product Safety, organised by the State Council, National Development and Reform Commission, and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), 24 September 2008, Beijing

  • Snyder, Francis, member of the China Task Force, organized jointly by the Iniative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, New York, and the Brooks World Poverty Institute, Manchester University, United Kingdom, at the invitation of Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize and Professor at Columbia University, New York

  • Snyder, Francis, Member of the Working Group coordinated by Claus-Dieter Ehlermann and Yves Mény and based at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, ‘A Basic Treaty for the European Union’, submitted to Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, 15 May 2000, 37 pp

  • Snyder, Francis, Member of the Working Group coordinated by Claus-Dieter Ehlermann et Yves Mény and based at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, ‘A Basic Treaty for the European Union: Study of the Reorganisation of the Treaties’, report submitted to. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, 15 May 2000, 81 pp

  • Snyder, Francis, Member of the Working Group coordinated by Clauss-Dieter Ehlermann and based at the European University Institute, Florence, ‘A Unified and Simplified Model of the European Communities Treaties and the Treaty on European Union in Just One Treaty’, commissioned by the European Parliament for the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference to prepare the Amsterdam Treaty (European Parliament, Direction General for Research, Legal Affairs Series, Working Paper No. W-9 (10-1996), 506 pp

  • Snyder, Francis. Member of the Group of Advisors to the Sutherland Committee on ‘The Future of the Single European Market’, presided by Peter Sutherland, former Member of the European Commission and future Director General of the World Trade Organisation: Report entitled ‘The Internal Market after 1992: Meeting the Challenge’, Report to the EEC Commission by the High Level Working Group on the Operation of the Internal Market (Brussles, 1992)

Contributions to edited volumes:

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘EU, China, and Technical Standards in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Extraterritoriality or Transnational Governance?,’ inExtraterritoriality of EU Economic Law(ed. Nuno Cunha Rodrigues), Springer, New York, in press for 2021.

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The BRI Kaleidoscope: European Legal Pluralism and BRI Soft Law’, inThe European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement, and Competition(eds. Stephen Minas and Vassilis Ntousas), Routledge, London, in press for 2021.

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Understanding the Regulation of Ecological Food in China: Regulatory Intermediation, Path Dependence and Legal Pluralism,’, inRegulatory Issues in Organic Food Safety in the Asia Pacific( eds. Bee Chen Goh and Rohan Price) (Springer Nature Switzerland, Zug, Switzerland, and Singapore, 2020)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Three Worlds of Soft Law in China’, inEU Soft Law in the Member States: Theoretical Findings and Empirical Evidence(eds. Mariolina Eliantonio, Emilia Korkea-aho, and Oana Stefan) Routledge, London, 2020.

  • Snyder, Francis, Hu, Zhouke and Ni, Lili, ‘Transnational Law in the Pacific Century: Mapping Pesticide Regulation in China’ inThe Many Lives of Transnational Law: Critical Engagements with Jessup’s Bold Proposal(ed. Peer Zumbansen), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020.

  • Snyder, Francis and Ni, Lili, ‘Three Faces of China-EU Cooperation from the Beijing Olympics to One Belt, One Road’, in60 Years after the Treaties of Rome: What is the Future for the European Union? (ed Paulo Canelas de Castro (ed), , University of Macau Press, Macau, 2018

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The EU, China and Product Standards’, inRoutledge Handbook on EU-China Relations(eds. Sebastian Bersick, Kerry Brown, Andrew Cottey, Jorn-Carsten Gottwald and Wei Shen) (Routledge, London, 2017)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Better Regulation in EU Law: Variations on a Theme’, in Nathalie Rubio and Fabienne Peraldi-Leneuf (eds), La fabrication du droit de l’Union européenne dans le context du ‘Mieux Légiférer’: Du modèle à la réalité(Presses de l’Université Aix-Marseille, Aix en Provence, France, 2017)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The Use of Anthopology in Teaching Comparative and International Law’, in Marie-Claire Foblets, Gordon Woodman and Anthony Bradney (eds),The Trials and Triumphs of Teaching Legal Anthropology(Ashgate Publishing Company, Farnham, Surrey, 2021, in press)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Common Agricultural Policy’, inOxford Handbook of the European Union(ed. Jones, Menon and Weatherill), (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012), pp 484-495

  • Snyder, Francis (with Daniel Thym), ‘Introduction and Acknowledgments’, in Daniel Thym and Francis Snyder (eds),Europe – A Continent of Immigration? Legal Challenges in the Construction of European Migration Policy / Europe: Un continent d’immigration? Défis juridiques de la Politique européenne de migration(Brussels, Bruylant, 2011), pp 1-9

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘EMU – Integration and Differentiation: Metaphor for the European Union’, inThe Evolution of EU Law(eds. Paul Craig and Grainne de Burca) (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2ndedition 2011), pp 687-716

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘China, Regional Trade Agreements and WTO Law’ [in Chinese], inKey International Legal Issues in China’s Peaceful Development[in Chinese] (ed. Zeng Lingliang) (Peking University Press, Beijing, 2010)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘ ‘Worrying about Europe’: Chinese Law and the Changing Context of EU Legal Scholarship’, in H.Koch, , K. Hagel-Sorensen, U Haltern et J.H.H. Weiler (s.d.),EUROPE: The New Legal Realism – Essays in Honour of Hjalte Rasmussen(Copenhagen, DIØF-Publishing, 2010)

  • Snyder , Francis, ‘European Economic and Monetary Union After the Treaty of Lisbon’, in P. Canelas de Castro (ed),The European Community at 50: Assessing the Past, Looking Ahead(University of Macau Press, Macau, 2010)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Les accords régionaux de la Chine et le droit de l’OMC’, inLe commerce international entre bi- et multilatéralisme(ed. Bernard Remiche and H. Ruiz-Fabri) (Bruxelles, Editions Larcier, collection ‘Droit/Economie international’, 2010), pp 41-104

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Creusets de la communauté doctrinale de l’Union européenne: Regards sur les revues francaises de droit européen’, inDoctrine et droit de l’Union européenne(ed. Fabrice Picod) (Bruylant, Brussels, 2009), pp 35-89

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Soft Law and Governance: Structure and Process in the European Union Experience’, in LUO Haocai (ed),The Challenge of Soft Law(Beijing, Peking University Press, 2009) (in Chinese)

  • Snyder, Francis and Maher, Imelda, ‘Introduction’, in Snyder, Francis et Maher, Imelda (eds), The Evolution of the European Courts: Institutional Change and Continuity / L’Evolution des juridictions européennes: Changement et continuité , (Brussels, Bruylant, Series : ‘Travaux du CERIC’, 2009), pp 9-14

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘How does Europe regulate trade with China? The Juridification of Individual Treatment in EC Anti-dumping Law’, in Paul Demaret, Inga Govaere and Dominik Hanf (eds),European Legal Dynamics / Dynamiques juridiques européennes (Revised and updated edition of30 ans d’études juridiques au Collège d’Europe)(Bruxelles, Peter Lang, Collection ‘Cahiers du Collège d’Europe’, 2ndedition, 2008), pp 501-518

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Introduction’, inThe European Union, India and China : Strategic Partners in a Changing World / L’Union européenne, l’Inde et la Chine : Parténaires stratégiques dans un monde en mutation (Bruylant, Brussels, 2008), pp 695-698

  • Snyder Francis, ‘Introduction’, inDesigning the European Union / L’Union Européenne : Projets de société en devenir,(Bruyant, Brussels, 2007), pp 13-18

  • Snyder Francis, ‘Toward an International Law for Adequate Food’, inLa Sécurité alimentaire / Food Security and Food Safety(eds Ahmed Mahiou et Francis Snyder) (Académie de droit international de La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 2006), pp 79-163

  • Snyder Francis, ‘The European Union, Globalisation and China: Legal Strategies and Unintended Consequences’, inL’Europe et la mondialisation / Europa und Globalisierung(eds Rostane Mehdi et Catherine Prieto) (Presses de l’Université Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, 2006)

  • Snyder Francis, ‘Antidumping Law and Cross-Cultural Encounters : Toward a Legal Anthropology of International Economic Relations’, dansLa quête anthropologique du droit : Autour de la démarche d’Etienne Le Roy(Paris, Editions Karthala, 2006), pp 59-76

  • Snyder Francis ‘Hybrid Legal Anthropology: A Personal Example’, in Juridicités: Temoignages réunis à l’occasion du quarantième anniversaire du Laboratoire d’anthropologie juridique de Paris (ed Etienne Le Roy) (Karthala, Paris, 2006), pp 25-27

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Les sites de gouvernance’, inUne société internationale en mutation: Quels acteurs pour une nouvelle gouvernance(eds. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Rostane Mehdi) (Bruylant, Brussels, 2005), pp 299-326

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Introduction’, inL’élargissement et la nouvelle Europe après 2004 / Enlargement and the New Europe after 2004(ed. Francis Snyder) (Bruylant, Brussels, 2005), pp 13-18

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The Application of EC Law: Hypotheses, Themes and Questions’, inEuropäisierung durch Recht: Zwishen Anspruch un Wirklichkeit(eds. Bedanna Bapuly, Sonia Puntscher-Riekmann and Peter Slominski) (Nomos, Berlin, 2005), pp 171-177

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Governing Economic Globalisation: Global Legal Pluralism and European Union Law’, inLaw and Anthropology: A Reader(ed. Sally Falk Moore) (Blackwell Publishers, New York, 2004); pp 312-329

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘European Constitutionalism in the 21stCentury’, inLaw and Justice in the 21stCentury(ed. Boaventura de Sousa Santos) (University of Coimbra, Coimbra, 2004) [in Portuguese]

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘European Integration’, inEncylopaedia of Law and Social Science(ed. David Clark) (Sage Publications, New York, 2004)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Constructing Multi-Site Governance: WTO Law in the European Courts’, inThe State of Europe: Transformations of Statehood from a European Perspective(eds. Sonja Puntscher-Riekmann, Monika Mokre and Michael Latzer) (Campus Verlag, Berlin, 2004), pp 306-328

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘L’Union européenne et la gouvernance de la mondialisation: La traduction du droit de l’OMC en droit communautaire’, inL’intégration européenne au 21èmesiècle: En hommage à Jacques Bourrinet(La Documentation française, Paris, 2004), pp 213-236

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘How does Europe manage trade with China? The juridification of individual treatment in EC antidumping law’, inLiber Professorum 1973-2003: Thirty Years of European Legal Studies at the College of Europe(eds. Paul Demarket, Inge Govaere and Dominik Hanf) (Presses interuniversitaires européennes / Peter Lang, Brussels, 2004), pp 501-518

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The Present State of Research Carried Out by the English-Speaking Section of the Centre of Studies and Research’, in The Hague Academy of International Law, Centre of Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations, 2003 Session,La sécurité alimentaire / Food Supply Security(E.J. Brill for The Hague Academy of International Law, Leiden, 2004), pp 103-199

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Economic Globalisation and the Law in the 21stCentury’, inThe Blackwell Companion to Law and Society(ed. Austin Sarat) (Blackwell Publishing, New York and Oxford, 2004), pp 624-640

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Introduction’, in International Food Security and Global Legal Pluralism /La sécurité alimentaire et le pluralisme juridique global (ed. Francis Snyder), (Bruylant, Brussels, 2004), pp 13-20

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The Unfinished Constitution of the European Union : Principles, Processes and Culture’, inEuropean Constitutionalism Beyond the State(eds. J.H.H. Weiler and Marlene Wind) (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003), pp 55-73

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Ethique, OMC et pluralisme juridique mondial: Reflexions sur la gouverance de la mondialisation’, inMondialisation et Ethique des Echanges(ed. Jean-Yves Naudet) (Editions de la Libraire Universitaire, Aix-en-Provence, 2003)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Introduction’, inGovernance and the European Union / Gouverance et l’Union européenne(Première rencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs RIJC / First International Workshop of Young Scholars WISH, Aix-en-Provence 2000 Volume II (ed. Francis Snyder) (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2003)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Introduction’, in Comment protéger les intérêts du citoyen dans l’Union européenne d’aujourd’hui? / Protecting the Interests of the Citizen in Today’s European Union (Première rencontre internationale des jeunes chercheurs RIJC / First International Workshop of Young Scholars WISH, Aix-en-Provence 2000 Volume I (ed. Francis Snyder) (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2003)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Sécurité alimentaire et gouvernance de la mondialisation’, inLa Sécurité alimentaire dans l’Union européenne(eds. Jacques Bourrinet and Francis Snyder) (Bruylant, Bruxelles, Collection ‘Travaux du CERIC’, 2003), pp. 7-17

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Constitutional Challenges of EMU: A Comment on Buti and Giudice’, inIntegration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals(eds. Joseph H.H. Weiler, Iain Begg and John Peterson), (Blackwell Publishing, New York and Oxford, 2003), pp. 267-271

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Sites of Criminality and Sites of Governance’, inCyberspace Crime(ed. David Wall)) (Ashgate Publishing Company, Aldershot, ‘International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology’, 2003

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Le juge européen et le droit de l’OMC’, in L’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC) et la protection de l’environnement : Quelle intégration des exigences environnementales in le système commercial multilatéral) (ed. Sandrine Maljean-Dubois) (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2003)

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Governing Globalization’, inTransnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities(ed. Michael Likosky) (Butterworths LexisNexis, ‘Law in Context’ Series, London, 2002), pp. 65-97

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Rediscovery and Renewal in Berlin’, in Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Institute for Advanced Study,Jahrbuch 2000/2001, Berlin (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Berlin, 2002), pp. 167-171

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Governing Economic Globalisation’, inRegional and Global Regulation of International Trade(ed. Francis Snyder, (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2001), pp. 1-47

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Global Economic Networks and Global Legal Pluralism’, inTransatlantic Regulatory Cooperation(eds. George Bermann, Matthias Hedeger and Peter Lindseth) (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000), pp. 100-115

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Judicial Review in the Age of Globalization: Chinese Toys in the European Court of Justice’, inLiber Amicorum for Gordon Slynn: Judicial Review in European Law(eds. David O’Keeffe and Antonio Bavasso) (Chancery, London, 2000), pp. 651-664

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘The EUI Law Department and the Europeanisation of Law: An Introduction’, inThe Europeanisation of Law: Legal Effects of European Integration(ed. Francis Snyder) (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2000), pp. 1-11

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Europeanisation and Globalisation as Friends and Rivals: European Union Law and Global Economic Networks’, inThe Europeanisation of Law: Legal Effects of European Integration(ed. F. Snyder), (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2000, pp. 293-320

  • Snyder, Francis, ‘Six Theses on the Global Market and European Union Law’, inConflitti e diritti nella Società trasnationale / Conflicts and Rights in Transnational Society(ed.Vincenzo Ferrari) (FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2001), pp. 287-294
