Kevin W. Gray





  • International Law 

  • International Arbitration 

  • Constitutional Law

  • Conflicts of Law

  • Professional Responsibility

  • Legal Theory


Kevin W. Gray,北京大学国际法学院助理教授。他是一位跨国法和宪法学者,研究重点是不同法律体系之间的相互作用。他的研究成果曾被加拿大最高法院以及国际法院的法庭之友引用。他拥有多伦多大学(University of Toronto)的物理学、哲学和数学荣誉学士学位,拉瓦尔大学(Laval University)的哲学硕士和博士学位,奥斯古德法学院(Osgoode Hall Law School)的法学博士(J.D.)学位,以及哥伦比亚大学的法学硕士学位(L.L.M.)。他于2015年获得了享有盛誉的海牙国际法学院国际公法文凭。他的最新研究成果已在《国际刑法评论》(International Criminal Law Review)、《美国印第安法评论》( American Indian Law Review)和《最高法院法学评论》 (Supreme Court Law Review)等期刊上发表。



  • “The International Criminal Court and the Justice Cascade,” International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 24, no. 3 (with Barry Hashimoto and Kafumu Kalyalya) (2024).

  • “Change by Drips and Drabs or No Change at Law: The Coming UNDRIP Battles in Canadian Courts,” American Indian Law Review 11:22 (2023). †

  • “Playing Along to Get Along: Comity in Canadian Extradition Law,” Supreme Court Law Review 101 (2021). †

  • “Is There Even A Standard of Review at the ICC?” International Criminal Law Review 20:6 (2020). *

  • “A Separate Head of Judicial Review: Divergent Paths in Common Law Rights Review,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Policy 33:3 (2020). *

  • “That Most Canadian of Virtues: Comity and Section 7 of the Charter,” Western Journal of Legal Studies (Spring 2020). †

  • Cited by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. McGregor, 2023 SCC 4.

  • “What Systems Theorists Mean When They Talk About International Law and the International Rule of Law,” Ancilla Iuris No 1 (2019). *

  • “Getting to Yes: Lessons for a Transnational Activist,” Law, Social Justice, and Global Development Journal (with Kafumu Kalyalya) (2019). *

  • “Overcoming Statism from Within,” (with Kafumu Kalyalya). Published in special volume of Critical Horizons (2016). Reprinted in Contestatory Cosmopolitanism, edited by Dr. Tom Bailey, Routledge, 2017 (978-1138291140). *

  • Cited by Amicus Curiae: Members of the Canadian Partnership for International Justice in ICC Case: ICC-RoC46(3)-01/18-23 (Situation in Bangladesh involving the Rohingya).

  • “Global Justice and the New Regulatory Regime,” (with Kafumu Kalyalya), Published in a Special Issue of Les Ateliers de l’éthique guest-edited by Yann Allard-Tremblay and Benoit Morissette (Fall 2015). *

  • “The Autopoietic Turn in Habermas’ Legal Philosophy,” Ancilla Iuris No. 41 (2014). *

  • Review: “Fascinating and recommended,” Lawrence Solum, Legal Theory Blog.

  • “Introduction to Symposium on Hugh Baxter’s Habermas – The Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy,” Philosophy and Social Criticism (February 2014). *

Book Chapters

  • “Neither Democratic nor Constitutional but Legitimate: Fragmentation and the Legitimation of International Law,” in Jurisprudence in a globalized world, edited by Jorge Fabra (Edward Elgar Press, 2020).

Edited Books (in print)

  • General Editor and Public International Law Area Editor, Global Encyclopaedia of Territorial Rights ( ) (online, 2021; estimated date for physical edition, 2025).
