Hui Huang

Professor of Law


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  • Constitutional Law

  • Constitutional Case Study

  • State Liability Law

  • Juristic Methodology


  • Doctor of Law, Humboldt-University (Law Faculty), Germany

  • Masters of Law, Humboldt-University (Law Faculty), Germany

  • Bachelor of Law, East China University of Political Science and Law (College of Law)


HUANG Hui is Professor of Law at Peking University School of Transnational Law School. She is Arbitrator of Beijing Arbitration Commission and Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, Council Member of the Chinese Constitutional Law Association, the Chinese Commercial Law Association, the Chinese Case Law Association, and Standing Council Member of Beijing Education Law Association. She is Senior Research Fellow of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) of 2017, Senior Consultant of the Case Research Institute of the SPC, fellow at the Information Centre of SPC, and a Member of the Intellectual Property Guiding Cases Base (Beijing) Advisory Committee of the SPC. In 2009, she got the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship and worked as Visiting Professor at Free University of Berlin (Germany).

Professor HUANG Hui has become very active in many respects of Chinese legal academia. Under the current division of legal academia in China, her academic research and teaching span across several areas of law, however, seen from a methodological point of view they can be oriented as normative legal science (规范法学) or, to use the German term, legal dogmatics (Rechtsdogmatik) (法教义学). In other words, her focus is on legal scholarship that aims to realize the practical function of law, with an emphasis on interpretation and application of legal norms. From the more macro perspective of what drives her work, her inclination as a law professor can be summarized below- in her words: “similar to many respected senior and contemporary colleagues, my work includes academic studies (centered on Constitutional interpretation and legal methodology), legal education (centered on the purpose, structure and method of legal education), and construction of China’s rule of law (centered on Chinese Guiding Cases System, Judicial Reform of the SPC)”

Academic Experience at Other Academic Institutions

  • Beihang University School of Law (Professor of Law)

  • Free University of Berlin (Visiting Professor)

  • Peking University School of Law (post-doctoral researcher)

  • East China University of Political Science and Law (staff at College of Law)

Main Research and Teaching Areas

  • Constitutional Law

  • General Theory

  • Constitutional Interpretation

  • Economic Constitutional Law/ Wirtschaftsverfassungsrecht

  • Comparison of Constitutional Cases

  • State Liability Law

  • Juristic Methodology/ Methodenlehre der Rechtswissenschaft

  • Guiding Case System of China


著作(专著、主编)|(Author and Editor)

  • 独著:《法学通说与法学方法》,中国法制出版社2015年 | On Legal Prevailing Opinion and Legal Methodology, China Legal Publishing House 2015.

  • 独著:Das Rechtssystem des Banküberweisungsverkehrs in der VR China(《中国银行汇兑法律制度》),德国Walter de Gruyter出版社2005年 | On the Bank Transfer Law System in China, Walte De Gruyter (Germany) 2005. (In Germen language)

  • 第一主编:《中国案例指导制度:理论·实践》(判例沙龙II),上海三联书店2019年3月 | China Case Guidance System: Theory & Practice, Tsinghua University Publishing House 2019. (as 1st Editor)

  • 主编:《德国魏玛时期国家法文献选编》,清华大学出版社2016年1月 | Selected Literatures Concerning German State Law at the Times of the Weimar Republic, Tsinghua University Publishing House 2016 (as editor).

  • 第一主编:Juristische Methodenlehre und Immobiliarsachenrecht(《法学方法论与不动产法》), 德国Mohr Siebeck出版社2015年,(第二、三主编为Franz Jürgen Säcker、Claudia Schuber) | Juristic Methodology and Estate Law. (as 1st Editor, co-edited with Franz Jürgen Säcker、Claudia Schuber.

  • 第一主编:《大陆法系判例:制度•方法》(判例研读沙龙I),清华大学出版社2013年 | The “Case Law” in the Civil System Countries: Legal Mechanism and Method, Tsinghua University Publishing House 2013. (as 1st Editor)

  • 主编:《福鼎法律评论(创刊号)》,法律出版社2012年 | Fuding Law Review (initial issue), Law Press 2012. (as Editor)

  • 主编:《航空法律前沿问题研究》,法律出版社2010年 | Current Legal Issues of Aviation Law, Law Press of China 2010. (as Editor)

  • 主编:《中国航空法律汇编》,法律出版社2009年 | Selective Compilation of Aviation Law, Law Press of China 2009. (as Editor)

  • 论文 | Articles:

  • 《法治访谈录:建设法律适用导向的案例教学》,《法律适用》2017第7期,第23-33页。访谈人:黄卉;访谈嘉宾:葛云松、金可可、田士永 | Conversations on Rule of Law: Towards an Application-Oriented Case-Method Legal Pedagogy, in: Journal of Law Application (Case Version), No. 7, 2017. Co-work with GE Yunsong, JIN Keke, TIAN Shiyong.

  • 《五人对话:法律评注中的案例编写》,《法律适用》2017年第4期 | Five Person Dialogue: Case Writing in the Legal Commentary, in: Journal of Law Application, 2017/Vol. 4.

  • 《德国法律评注及其案例编写体例——以<德国基本法>第14条私有财产权条款为例》,《法律适用》2017年第4期 | German Legal Commentary and Case Writing – Taking the Property Protection Clause of Article 14 of Basic Law as Example, in: Journal of Law Application, 2017/Vol. 4.

  • 《四人对话:中国法律评注的现状与未来》,《中国应用法学》2017年第2期,第161-173页 | Four Person Dialogue: The Present Situation and Future of Legal Commentary in China, in: China Review of Administration of Justice, 2017/ Vol. 2.

  • Application of the Economic System Provisions in the Constitutional Law – Beginning from the Debate of the German Economic Constitution Law (《宪法经济制度条款的法律适用——从德国经济宪法之争谈起》), in: Peking University Transnational Law Review, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 1-32. This is the extended version of the Article “Legal Application of the Constitutional Provisions Relating to the Economic System”. (In English language)

  • Über die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Verfassungsinterpretationslehre in der VR China(《中国宪法解释学的产生与发展》),载Yuanshi BU主编:Juristische Methodenlehre in China und Ostasien (《中国与东亚国家的法学方法论》),德国Mohr Siebeck 2016, 第131-158页 | On the Origin and Development of the Study of Constitutional Interpretation, in Yuanshi BU (ed.): Juristic Methodology in China and East Asian Countries, Mohr Siebeck 2016, pp. 131-158. (In German language)

  • 《法律技术抑或法律文化?——关于中德合作编纂中国法律评注的可能性的讨论记录》,载《中德私法研究》第11期,北京大学出版社2015年,第333-356页 | Legal Technic or Legal Cultur? in: Archiv für chinesisch-deutsches Privarecht, 2015/ Vol. 8, pp. 333-356.

  • Vom Rechtsideal zum Rechtshandhabung – Diskussion über die Voraussetzungen und Schwierigkeiten der Aufstellung eines chinesischen Gesetzkommentars und die Möglichkeiten der deutsch-chinesischen Kooperation(《从法律理想到法律行动:关于中国法律评注的编纂条件、困难以及相关中德合作》)| 载黄卉、Franz Jürgen Säcker、Claudia Schuber主编:Juristische Methodenlehre und Immobiliarsachenrecht (《法学方法论与不动产法》), 德国Mohr Siebeck出版社2015年,第235-248页 | From Ideal of Law to Action on Law – On Conditions, Difficulties of Edition of Chinese Kommentary and Related Sino-German-Cooperaton, in HUANG Hui, Franz Jürgen Säcker, Claudia Schuber (ed.): Juristic Methodology and Estate Law, Mohr Siebeck 2015, pp. 235-248. (In German language)

  • 《城市房屋征收中的“公共利益”概念及其界定》,第一作者,载:郑永流、朱庆育等著:《中国法律中的公共利益》,北京大学出版社2014年,第98-120页 | Conception of “Public Interest” in Urban House Expropriation, in: ZHENG Yongliu, ZHU Qingyu: Public Interest in the Chinese Law, Beijing University Public House 2014, pp. 98-120.

  • Objectives and Ways of Implementation of the Normative Constitutional School(《规范宪法学的目标和实现途径》). In: Berliner China-Hefte / Chinese History and Society, 2015 Vol. 45, pp. 39-60. (In English language)

  • 《合宪性解释及其理论检讨》,《中国法学》2014年第1期,第285-302页 | Interpretation Conforming to The Constitution and Its Theoretical Review, in: China Legal Science, 2014/Vol. 1, pp. 285-302.

  • 《规范宪法学的方向:改八二宪法之被动为主动》,《读书》2012年第12期,第32-39页| The Orientation of Normative Constitutional Study in China: Changing the Passive Character of the 1982 Constitution to Active, in: Du Shu, 2012/ Vol. 12, pp. 32-39.

  • 《案例指导意欲何为?——新法学读书沙龙第七期“案例指导制度”讨论纪要》,雷磊等多人对话,载舒国滢主编:《法学方法论论丛》第1卷,中国法制出版社2012年,第299-343页 | What Does Case Guidance System Mean? — iscussion on “Case Guidance System” in the Seventh Issue of “New Legal Science • Reading Salon”, with LEI Lei and others, in: SHU Guoying ed., Archiv fuer juristische Methodenlehre, Vol. 1, China Legal Publishing House 2012, pp. 299-343.

  • 《北京安元鼎截访事件之法律评析——行政领域合作治理框架下宪法权利的保护》,载胡锦光、王锴主编:《2010年中国十大宪法事例评析》,法律出版社2011年,第1-16页 | Analyzing the Beijing-Anyuanding-Accident: Protection of Constitutional Rights under the Framework of PPP, in: Jinguang HU, Kai WANG (ed.), On Top 10 Constitutional Legal Cases of 2010, Law Press 2011, pp. 1-16. (As first Author)

  • 《论法学通说》,《北大法律评论》第12卷第2辑,北京大学出版社2011年版,第334-382页 | On Prevailing Legal Opinion: The Declaration of a Legalist, in: Peking University Law Review, 2011/Vol. 2, pp. 334-382.

  • 《精神卫生立法重点不应在反不正当强制收治》,《中国社会科学报》2011年7月14日第5版 | Issue of Hospitalization-by-force as improper key point in Mental Health Law, in: Chinese Social Sciences Today, 14. July 2011, p. 5.

  • 《判例研究及其方法——基于第七期“判例研读沙龙”的评论性综述》,《华东政法大学学报》2011年第3期,第89-95页,(第一作者)| On Case-Law Study and Its Study Methods, in: ECUPL-Press, 2011/ Vol. 3, pp. 89-95. Co-work, as first Author.

  • 《论我国飞行员流动中的劳动保护问题》,载黄卉主编:《航空法律前沿问题研究》,法律出版社2009年,第155-161页 | On the Labor Protection of Pilots in China, in: HUANG Hui ed, Current Legal Issues of Aviation Law, Law Press of China 2010, pp. 155-161.

  • 《宪法经济制度条款的法律适用——从德国经济宪法之争谈起》,《中外法学》2009年第4期,第559-574页 | Legal Application of the Constitutional Provisions Relating to the Economic System – Beginning with the German Economic Constitutional Law Debates in the 1950s, in: Peking University Law Journal, 2009/ Vol. 4, pp. 559-574.

  • 《关于判例形成的观察和法律分析——以我国失实新闻侵害公众人物名誉权案为切入点》,《华东政法大学学报》2009年第1期,第114-120页 | Observing and Analyzing the Formation of Precedents: Beginning with several Press Torts, in: Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law, 2009/ Vol. 1, pp. 127-140.

  • 《一切意外都源于各就各位——从立法主义到法律适用主义》,《读书》2008年第11期,第35-43页 | All the Surprises Come from Good Preparation: From the Time of Law Making to the Time of Legal Application, in: Du Shu, 2008/ Vol. 11, pp. 35-43.

  • 《天价索赔后的法治缺失》,《中国改革》2008年第9期,第64-66页 | The Lack of Rule-of-law Behind Sky-high Compensation Claims, in: China Reform, 2008/ Vol. 9, pp. 64-66.

  • 《“黑户”民工子弟学校“合宪不合法”吗?——试析<民办教育促进法>之立法失误及其补救》,《比较法研究》2007年第6期,第87-101页 | “Black” Schools for Children of Migrant Workers “Constitutional but Illegal”? – On the Legislative Mistakes of the Promoting Law of Non-state Education and the Related Remedial Measures, in: Journal of Comparative Law, 2007/Vol. 6, pp. 87-101.

  • 《德国劳动法中的解雇保护制度》,《中外法学》2007年第1期,第99-112页 | Dismissal Protection in the German Labor Law, in: Peking University Law Journal, 2007/Vol. 1, pp. 99-112.

  • 《维宪或者违宪》,《读书》2005年第10期,第52-59页 | Protecting or breaking of the Constitution Law? in: Du Shu, 2005/Vol. 10, pp. 52-60.

  • 《试论成文法条标之设立》,《政治与法律》1994年第4期(第二作者),第50-61页 | About the Article-Titels of the Statutes, in: Law and Politics, 1995/Vol. 4, pp. 50-61. As Co-Author

Book Review & Others

  • 《从德国宪法判例中学习宪法实施技术——<德国宪法案例选释:基本权利总论>评介》,载黄卉主编:《福鼎法律评论(创刊号)》,法律出版社2012年,第292-294页 | Learning the Technique of Law Application from the Judicial Decisions of German Federal Constitutional Court, in: Fuding Law Review (initial issue), Law Press 2012, pp. 292-294.

  • 《德国法对中国宪法学的意义》,载德意志学术交流中心驻京办事处主编:《Zeitschrift fuer Deutschland-Alumni in China》(留德校友信息期刊),2011年6月,第7-8页 | Influence of German Law on Chinese Constitutional Law, in: Zeitschrift für Deutschland-Alumni in China, 2011/ Vol. 6, pp. 7-8.

  • 《德国法之不可承受》,《经济观察报》2007年10月21日 | The Unaffordability of German Law, in: Economic Observer, Oct. 21 2007.

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