Shaowei Mao

Associate Dean for J.M. Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor of Law


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  • Chinese Civil Law I & II

  • Case Exercises of Civil Law

  • Advanced Legal Research and Writing


  • Ph.D., LL.B., B.A., Peking University

  • Studied at the National School of Development of PKU


Mao Shaowei is Associate Dean for J.M. Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor of Law at Peking University School of Transnational Law. He received his LL.B. and Ph.D. in Law from Peking University (Beijing), where he won numerous awards and scholarships, including the 2014 Prize for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation. He also earned a B.A. in Economics from the prestigious National School of Development (NSD) of Peking University. While in law school, Mao Shaowei served as Editor of Peking University Law Review and as Director of the Legal Aid Association of Peking University (2008 to 2010). Professor Mao’s research interests lie primarily in the areas of Chinese civil law, corporate law, and economic analysis of law.

  • Malicious Collusion, Creditor’s Right of Revocation and the Legal Effects of Invalid Contracts: A Commentary on Guiding Case NO. 33 from the Perspective of Substantive Law(《恶意串通、债权人撤销权及合同无效的法律后果——最高人民法院指导案例33号的实体法评释》), Contemporary Law Review(《当代法学》), No.2, 2018, pp. 14-25.

  • The Institutional Role of Civil Code in the Supply and Integration of Legal Rules: A Critique on the General Provisions of Civil Law of 2017(《民法典的规则供给与规范配置——基于〈民法总则〉的观察与批评》),Peking University Law Journal(《中外法学》), Vol.30, No.1 (2018), pp. 170-193. (Available at:

  • Malicious Collusion in Contract Law(《论恶意串通》), Peking University Law Journal(《中外法学》), Vol.29, No.1 (2017), pp.143-170. (Available at:

  • An Analysis of Terms Used in Relation to Defensive Right of Claim(《防御性请求权相关语词使用辨析》), Law Science(《法学》), No.4, 2016, pp.23-34.

  • Beyond the Codification: Rethink the Role of a Modern Civil Code in the Legal System(《寻找新民法典:“三思”而后行——民法典的价值、格局与体系再思考》), Peking University Law Journal(《中外法学》), Vol.25, No.6 (2013), pp.1137-1155.(Available at:

  • Limitations on Freedom of Contract: Purposes, Methods and Effects(《合同自由的限制:目标、方法与后果》), Economic Law Review(《经济法研究》), Vol.13 (2014), pp.280-287.

  • Drawer or Lens: Corporate Law and the Way of Dividing Legal Brunches(《公司法的归属: 抽屉式与透镜式》), Economic Law Review(《经济法研究》), Vol.12 (2013), pp.317-332.

  • On the Nature of Shared Inheritance in Common: Commentary on Article 15 of Judicial Interpretation III of Marriage Law(《论遗产共同共有的性质——兼评〈婚姻法司法解释(三)〉第15条》), Researches on Family Law(《家事法研究》), Vol. 2013, pp.232-250.

  • The Purposes and Methods of the Common Law of Contract(《英国合同法的目的与方法》)(authored by Chen-Wishart, translated by Mao Shaowei), Peking University Law Review(《北大法律评论》), Vol.12, No.2 (2011), pp. 681-693.

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