Zining Jin

Professor of Law, Peking University Law School

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Jin Zining is a scholar of Chinese administrative law and risk regulation, with a special emphasis on environmental risk regulation. She is the author of the leading books, Reconsidering the Public/Private Law Distinction (2007) and Administrative Law at Risks (2014). Professor Jin has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, and has translated into Chinese significant legal works, including The Province of Administrative Law (Michael Taggart ed., Hart publishing, 1997), Physics and Politics: Thoughts on the Application of the Principle of “Natural Selection” and “Inheritance” to Political Society (Walter Bagehot, Henry S. King & Co., 1872). She also has edited and translated, from English to Chinese, a collection of Theses on Risk Regulation and Administrative Law (2012).

She received her Ph.D. in public law from Peking University in 2005. Previously, she worked in the legal department of China’s largest residential property developer, China Vanke Co., Ltd. During September 2008 – March 2009, Professor Jin was invited by Columbia Law School to spend the semester in residence pursuant to the J. Rankle Edwards Fellowship Program, which supports the research of outstanding Chinese legal scholars under the direction of Columbia’s Center for Chinese Legal Studies.

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