Yifeng Wu

Assistant Professor of Law

Email: wuyifengabcd@pku.edu.cn

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  • Insurance Law

  • Chinese Contract Law Seminar


  • LL.B., China University of Political Science and Law

  • LL.M., Peking University

  • Ph.D., Peking University

  • Ph.D., Cologne University


Yifeng Wu’s research interests lie primarily in the areas of Chinese civil law (principles of civil law, contract law, tort law) and commercial law (insurance law). He was Editor of Peking University Law Review from 2014 to 2016. He served as Assistant of the Case Exercises of Civil Law of Peking University from 2013 to 2014. Yifeng Wu received his Bachelor degree from China University of Political Science and Law and his Master’s and Doctoral degree from Peking University. He earned his second Doctoral degree from Cologne University in Germany.

  • “责任保险之责任确定约束力的体系构建”,《保险研究》2023年第6期。

  • “责任保险人抗辩义务的引入路径”,《法学》2022年第7期(人大复印报刊资料《民商法学》2022年第12期全文转载)。

  • “论精神性履行利益的违约损害赔偿――从62份婚礼摄影合同判决展开的理论建构”,《华东政法大学学报》2019年第4期。

  • “论不定期继续性合同随时终止制度——评《民法典合同编(二审稿)》的规定”,《中外法学》2019 年第 2 期。

  • “论侵害未成年人性自主决定权的特别时效制度——评《中华人民共和国民法总则》第 191 条”,《法律科学》2018 年第 1 期。

  • “论赔礼道歉责任适用情形与法律化的不可能”,梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》2017年第64卷。

  • “论作为家庭暴力独立形态的经济控制”,《上海政法学院学报》(法治论丛)2016年第6期。

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