STL Well-Represented at 13th Asian Law Institute Conference at Peking University, Beijing

STL Professors Ray Campbell, Sang Yop Kang, Danya Reda, and Christian Pangilinan delivered invited presentations at the 13th Asian Law Institute Conference on, “Asian Perspectives on Legal Globalization.” The conference was held May 19-20, 2016 at Peking University School of Law in Beijing.

Professor Campbell, a scholar of civil procedure and professional responsibility, presented his paper, “Clash of Systems: U.S. After-the-Fact Regulation Through Litigation Versus Chinese Resistance to Discovery.” Professor Campbell teaches civil procedure, professional responsibility and cross-cultural negotiations at STL.

Professor Kang delivered a talk on his paper, “Cumulative Voting, Corporate Groups, and Individual Investors.” He also chaired a panel discussion on private law. Professor Kang is a scholar of corporate governance, including Chinese corporate governance and corporate governance and economic policies in East Asia, law and economics, securities regulation, law and finance, and institutional investors. He teaches courses in corporate governance, economic analysis from the corporate perspective, securities regulation, and East Asian economic structure.

Professor Reda, a scholar of administrative law, civil procedure and Islamic law, presented her paper, “Reading Wael Hallaq in Shenzhen.” She teaches Islamic law, administrative law, and civil procedure at STL.

Professor Pangilinan participated in a discussion on human rights in which he discussed his paper, “The Right to Leave Under International Law and ASEAN States’ Regulation of Outward Labour Migration.” He also moderated a panel on international law and globalization. Professor Pangilinan, a C.V. Starr Lecturer of Law and Director of TNLP and Academic Support, teaches refugee law in addition to teaching in and directing STL’s legal writing and transnational practice program.

The Asian Law Institute, of which STL is a member, was established in 2003. Its overarching goal is to provide a platform for Asian legal scholarship and to facilitate greater interaction among legal scholars in Asia and those working on Asian law-related issues.