Professor Finder Speaks at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Supreme People’s Court

On August 20, STL Distinguished Scholar in Residence Susan Finder, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) senior counsel Hazel Tang, and Herbert Smith Freehills professional support consultant Anita Philips spoke to Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank staff.

The event, entitled The Future of Resolving Infrastructure Disputes in Asia was the 50th in the AIIB Legal Information and Knowledge Series. Professor Finder spoke on the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on China’s judicial system. Anita Philips spoke on Disputes Boards, while Hazel Tang presented on “Towards a multi-tiered approach: risk mitigation before resolution.”

On August 21, Professor Finder and Professor Liu Jingdong of the International Law Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences spoke at the Supreme People’s Court (SPC), invited by the court’s #4 Civil Division. Professor Finder spoke about the impact of the Belt and Road on the Chinese courts, market reaction outside of China to the China International Commercial Court (CICC), and some modest suggestions relating to the Expert Committee.

Ms. Long Fei, Deputy Director (Person in Charge) of the CICC Coordination and Guidance Office chaired the proceedings and Judge Wang Shumei, head of the #4 Civil Division, gave concluding remarks. This was the first event to involve lectures by CICC Expert Committee members to judges and other staff at the SPC, including several members of the CICC.

The audience of about 40 people included Hu Shihao, head of the Judicial Reform Office, Li Xiao, deputy director of the Research Office, Judge Guo Zaiyu (of the CICC), and many others, including a group of students interning in the SPC. Among the students was STL Year Four student Zhu Kaiqi, who interned in the Judicial Reform Office. After the formal part of the lecture (and a question and answer session), Professor Finder took a few minutes to share with the students some her thoughts about takeaways from their internships.

A short item about Professor Finder and Liu’s presentations was published in the People’s Court Daily and on the CICC website.