Professor Minas Lectured in 2023 Energy Community Summer School

The annual Energy Community Summer School was held in August at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade in Serbia. Beginning in 2016, the Summer School has brought together postgraduate students and early career energy professionals for intensive study of the technical, economic, political, legal and sustainability aspects of energy. The Summer School is organized by the Energy Community, an international institution with the objective of extending European Union energy market rules to neighboring jurisdictions in order to create a pan-European energy market.

SM EnC summer school

Within the framework of the Summer School, STL Professor Stephen Minas joined an international faculty of lecturers from academia, international institutions, national governments and private practice. Professor Minas gave a lecture on the topic of ‘energy diplomacy’, introducing the background and practice of energy diplomacy, before focusing on key frameworks for international energy negotiation in the domains of energy security, climate policy and economic competition.

Reflecting on this year’s Summer School, Professor Minas commented: ‘The Energy Community Summer School is the premier multi-disciplinary programme for the study of energy law and policy in all their dimensions. The discussions this year reflected both the highly competitive process of participant selection and the centrality of energy to the urgent challenges of our time.’