Professor Feldman Speaks at ISDS Seminar in Seoul

Professor Mark Feldman was one of several leading experts invited to speak at the October 27, 2016 Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Seminar in Seoul, Korea focusing on “Current Issues in International Investment Arbitration.” Professor Feldman, a scholar of international investment and treaty arbitration, spoke on the topic of “Investment Arbitration: Policy Divergence, Prospects for Harmonization, and Implications for the Developing World.” Speakers for the seminar included Meg Kinnear, General Secretary of ICSID, Jiun Kim, Vice Director of International Legal Affairs for Korea’s Ministry of Justice, and several leading professors and practitioners. The seminar was jointly sponsored by the Seoul International Dispute Resolution Centre, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, and Seoul National University.

Professor Feldman regularly is asked to lend his expertise to important issues of economic law. He currently serves as a member of the E15 Initiative Task Force on Investment Policy and, earlier this year, he was an invited expert to the G20 International Trade and Investment Workshop in Nanjing. He also serves on the Academic Council of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA), as a Global Associate at the National University of Singapore’s Centre for International Law, and as an arbitrator of the Shenzhen International Court of Arbitration. Professor Feldman teaches contracts, international business transactions, and international investment treaty arbitration at STL.