Professor Minas Participated in COP26 Glasgow Climate Conference

The 26thConference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) was held in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October to 14 November. COP26 is the largest intergovernmental meeting to have been held since the beginning of the pandemic. Postponed by a year from November 2020 due to the pandemic, COP26 featured a heavy agenda for government representatives seeking to deal with the climate crisis and implement the Paris Agreement.

STL Associate Professor Stephen Minas participated in the conference as chair of the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee and as a member of the European Union negotiating team. On the eve of the conference, Dr Minas delivered a seminar as part of Legal Response International’s pre-COP legal training programme in London and co-organised apanel discussiontogether with Queen Mary University of London’s Centre for Commercial Legal Studies.

In Glasgow, Dr Minas reported to the plenary on the Technology Executive Committee’s achievements in 2020-2021 and co-facilitated the negotiation on the independent review of theClimate Technology Centre and Network(CTCN). This negotiation concluded successfully with the Conference of Parties deciding to extend its MoU with the UN Environment Programme as host of the CTCN for five more years.

In addition to his responsibilities in the negotiations, Dr Minas participated in a variety of panel discussions on various themes, such as technology and the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions, blockchain and climate action, coastal and ocean resilience, and (remotely from Glasgow) a session on climate change and arbitration as part of BVI Arbitration Week. Dr Minas also spoke at the 16th United Nations Climate Change Conference of Youth hosted at the University of Strathclyde.