Public Lecture: Professor Seth Chertok presents “The Rise of Dodd Frank”

Lecture Details

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


C302, PKU Shenzhen

In response to the financial crisis of 2008, the Dodd-Frank was enacted as a sweeping U.S. financial legislation to prevent against systemic risks, which, however, posed over-regulation dangers on private equity real estate (“PERE”). Prof. Chertok examined private equity real estate along three axes of systemic risk contributors, and compared private equity real estate funds to hedge funds. To assist private equity real estate advisers with their new paths through the regulatory landscape, Prof. Chertok provided a complex compliance framework that could potentially help them restructure their funds to minimize the impact of the Dodd-Frank on their compliance burdens. Prof. Chertok argued that recognitions of these new compliance paths and limiting the application of the Volcker Rule would increase transactional certainty for private equity real estate, foster their freedom of choice to select the best regulatory paths, and most importantly, avoid the dangers of over-regulation for private equity real estate.

Professor Chertok is a scholar of corporate law, securities law, private equity and investment management law. Professor Chertok has published articles on a wide variety of topics in these area in academic journals, as well as in over forty leading industry trade publications. Recently, he has focused his research on the impact of Title IV of the Dodd-Frank Act and related SEC rules on investment advisers.