A Letter from Dean McConnaughay

Dear STL Community,

I am writing to inform you about how STL is contending with the impact of the indefinite closure of PKUSZ as a result of the Covid-19 virus. Although we continue to hope that campus will reopen soon so that our lives and routines may return to normal, circumstances suggest that normalcy still is weeks away. Medical professionals and the government of China, and increasingly governments worldwide, are dedicated to containing Covid-19; all of us must continue to do our parts by adapting to circumstances and adhering to public health practices as advised by the government and University.

One way in which higher education throughout China is attempting to adapt is by experimenting with “distance education” while campuses remain closed. STL is no exception. Registration begins this week for an academic quarter unlike any in STL’s history: all of our courses will be delivered exclusively online, at least during the first several weeks of the quarter. This is possible because of the tremendous efforts of Dean Pangilinan and his colleagues in Academic Affairs, the efforts of our faculty in reconfiguring their courses to adapt to an online format, and the efforts of all STL students to participate in remote instruction with the same serious engagement characteristic of their participation when classes are taught in person.

Interestingly, word of STL’s efforts has reached the U.S. news media: the Minneapolis Star-Tribune recently published a story about how STL has turned to Mitchell Hamline Law School in the U.S. – the first U.S. law school to offer an ABA-approved online J.D. program – for expert advice about best practices in online legal education. STL courses will be offered using both synchronous (students and instructor simultaneously online) and asynchronous instruction (students and instructor not simultaneously online). Some courses will use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction, others will rely solely on synchronous instruction, some will be purely asynchronous. Faculty will be able to schedule synchronous in-person office hours with students; students will be able to participate in synchronous in-person study groups. Our goal is to continue to offer the highest quality J.D. and J.M. educational experience possible despite the challenges presented by Covid-19.

STL’s Admissions Team is planning similar innovations to ensure a smooth application and interview process for the entering Class of 2020.

STL’s entire administration remains available by email and other means as we manage STL’s operation and await the reopening of campus. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions. We are very grateful for your support and efforts to ensure STL’s ongoing success during this challenging period.

In the meantime, all of us at STL wish all of you and your families good health and a successful return as soon as possible to your normal lives and routines.


Dean McConnaughay