Study abroad programs can be a valuable part of a student’s experience at STL. These programs provide opportunities for students to spend a semester at an elite overseas partner institution, deepening their study of foreign law, building international peer networks, and gaining language and cross-cultural skills that will equip them for transnational legal practice. Students return home with a broader comparative perspective on their legal studies and an enduring connection to their host country.

STL students are also eligible to apply for the exchange programs signed between Peking University and other top universities of the world. To get credit for such exchanges, students will need to ensure that the host university has suitable graduate level law courses in English and that they get approval from STL for the program.

Typically, study abroad takes place during a student’s 3L or 4L year, and selections are made early in the Spring semester of the preceding year year. Study abroad terms last one semester. For more information, students should consult OIP’s General Guidelines for Study Abroad, which contains policies on applications, transfer credit, and specific details about each exchange partner.