Danny Friedmann


Email: dannyfriedmann@gmail.com



  • 美国版权法

  • 美国商标法

  • 跨国版权法和邻接权

  • 跨国商标法和地理标志


  • Ph.D, 香港中文大学

  • LL.M., LLB.,阿姆斯特丹大学

  • B.B.A.,荷兰奈耶诺德大学

  • 交换项目,麦吉尔大学


Danny Friedmann(龙知权)是知识产权法领域备受赞誉的研究员和讲师,特别是在商标法、地理标识和专利法方面。

Friedmann教授已出版专著Trademarks and Social Media, Towards Algorithmic Justice。他的同行评审论文发表于《知识产权理论与实践期刊》(牛津出版社)、《欧洲知识产权评论》、《比荷卢经济联盟商标和设计权公告》和《德国知识产权和版权国际杂志》,以及《加州西部国际法律期刊》。


自2014年起,Friedmann教授参与斯坦福互联网与社会研究中心WILMap项目。他于2005年成立个人博客:IP Dragon,受众广泛。同时他也在其他媒体发表作品,例如IP Kat,IP-Watch,《南华早报》 和《香港自由新闻》。


此外,他还是《知识产权理论与实践期刊》的编辑,《计算机法律与安全评论》和《亚太法律评论》的审稿人。同时他也是Global SEP & FRAND Symposium咨询委员会成员。


  • 香港中文大学法学院:研究助理、讲师

  • 澳门大学法学院:首席评论员、校外主考、访问学者

  • 阿德莱德大学欧盟全球事务中心:国际嘉宾

  • 西加利福尼亚法学院:Castetter访问学者


  • 商标法

  • 地理标志

  • 版权法

  • 专利法

  • 网络中介责任/版权避风港/商标侵权

  • 消费者信息和价值链整合

  • 技术与知识产权法的相互影响

  • Vitivinicultural Law OIV Award 2021

    Awarded by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) in November 2021, for co-editing and co-authoring ‘Wine Law and Policy: From National Terroirs to a Global Market, Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões, Danny Friedmann (New York: BRILL, 2020) 807. Book introduction video on YouTube.

  •  Postgraduate Research Output Award 2013-2014

Research Committee of the Chinese University of Hong Kong ,June 201



 Trademarks and Social Media: Towards Algorithmic Justice (Cheltenham: EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING, 2015) 370 pp.

Edited Book

 Wine Law and Policy: From National Terroirs to a Global Market, Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões, Danny Friedmann (New York: BRILL NIJHOF, 2020) 807.

U.S. law Journal Article

 Creation and Generation Copyright Standards(forthcoming 2024) New York University Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law.

 Julien Chaisse and Danny Friedmann, Law of The Digital Domain: Trademarks, Domain Names, And The AI Frontier(2023) 64:2 IDEA: The Law Review of the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property 399-455.

 Abuse of Trademark Law in Greater China, A brief analysis of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (Spring 2017) 47 CALIFORNIA WESTERN INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 157-192.

Peer-Reviewed Law Journal Articles

 Meritocracy of Intellectual Property Within the Bandwidth of Equality; Calibrating the Engine of Creativity, Commerce and InnovationInternational Journal for the Semiotics of Law (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11196-024-10201-8 (2024).

 Geographical Indications in The Era of Climate Change: A Trans-border Solution for a Transnational Challenge (2024) 1 Jus Vini: The Journal of Wine & Spirits Law 49-66.

Copyright as Affirmative Action for Human Authors, Until The Singularity (12 December 2023) GRUR INTERNATIONAL (Oxford University Press).

 CHEN Jun and Danny Friedmann, Jumping from Mother Monkey to Bored Ape: The Value of NFTs from an Artist’s And Intellectual Property Perspective (online publication 16 September 2022, paper publication 2023) ASIA PACIFIC LAW REVIEW (Taylor & Francis). 

 The Rational Construction of a Universal Register for Distinctive Wines and Spirits GIs Against Dilution (December 2021) 25 JOURNAL OF WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Wiley) 106-121.

 Food labels, trademarks and how to prevent the next pandemic (June 2021) 16:6 JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press 453-454).

– Cornucopia of comparative case law: trade mark law in Asia (February 2021) 16:2 JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 184-186.

– Strict liability for OSPs vindicated in the age of omniscience (July 2019) 14(7) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 509-510.

– The Accountability of the Trademark (September 2018) 13(9) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 679.  

 In Marks We Trust (July 2018), 13(7) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press), 593–594.

 IP Protection of Preventive TCM and Precision Medicine in China, Harnessing Holistic Research from Man to Mankind (March 2018) 37(1) MEDICINE AND LAW (WAML special number) 145-162.

 IP in China Closer to Common Law for the Sake of Uniformity (August 2017), 12(8) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 621-622.

 The second coming of the public interest into patent law (August 2017), 12(8) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE, (Oxford University Press) 712-713.

 First thoughts on Hong Kong’s new patent system; second thoughts on its further medical use claims (December 2016), 11(12) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 871-872.

 The Uniqueness of the Trademark, A Critical Analysis of the Specificity and Territoriality Principles (September 2016) 28 (11) EUROPEAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REVIEW (Sweet & Maxwell) 678-686.

 EU opens door for sound marks: will scent marks follow? (December 2015), 10(12) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 931-939.

– The bottle is the message: only the distinctive survive as 3-D community mark (January 2015) 10(1) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 35-42 (co-published with GRUR INT).

  The bottle is the message: only the distinctive survive as 3-D community mark (December 2014) 63 GRUR INT (GERMAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INTERNATIONAL in cooperation with Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition) 1195 (co-published with JIPLP).

– Sinking the safe harbour with the legal certainty of strict liability in sight (February 2014) 9(2) JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press) 148-155.

– How to work within China’s IPR enforcement system for trademark and design rights, 2007-1 BENELUX TRADE MARK AND DESIGN (BMM) BULLETIN 8-12.

Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entrees

 Intellectual Property Dimension of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: The EU Approach Against Non-Market-Mediated International Technology Transfer, in The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on InvestmentTowards a Binding Investment Liberalisation, Alexandr Svetlinii and I-Ju Chen, eds. (Springer Cham, October 2024).


 Entry: Copyright Infringement of AI-Generated Output, in Ryan Abbott and Elizabeth Rothman (Eds.) Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of AI and the Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham forthcoming 2024).


  Entries: Trademark Dilution by Blurring, Tarnishment and Free Riding, and Honest Practices in Industrial or Commercial Matters, in Paul Torremans, Irini Stamatoudi, Peter K. Yu, and Bernd Justin (Eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham forthcoming 2024).


 WIPO and TRIPs: In Pursuit of Mitigating the Time Lag in Law Reform Concerned with Technological Developments, in ASIF QURESHI (EDS.LAW REFORMS AROUND THE WORLD: PERSPECTIVES FROM NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (Routledge, New York 2023) 269-278.


Revitalizing TRIPs as Global Norm-Setter For Geographical Indications, in JULIEN CHAISSE AND CRISTIÁN RODRÍGUEZ-CHIFFELLE (EDS.THE ELGAR COMPANION TO WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2023) 377-396.


 Digital Single Market, First Stop to the Metaverse in KLAUS MATHIS AND AVISHALOM TOR (EDS.) LAW AND ECONOMICS OF THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (Springer Cham 2023) 137-189.


– Innovative Foods with Transparent Labels that Will Have the Next Pandemic for Breakfast (June 28, 2021) in LAW AND ECONOMICS OF THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS, Klaus Mathis and Avishalom Tor, eds. (Springer, 2022) 315-370.


– Danny Friedmann and Peter Ganea, ‘Introduction’, in Christopher Heath (ed) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW IN CHINA (2nd Edition, Kluwer Law International, 2021) Chapter 1, 1-11.

– Trade Marks and Related Rights, in Christopher Heath (ed) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW IN CHINA (2nd Edition, Kluwer Law International, 2021) Chapter 3, 153-291.


– Grafting the Old and New World, Towards a Universal Trademark Register that Cancels Generic IGO Terms, in Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões and Danny Friedmann (eds) WINE LAW AND POLICY, FROM NATIONAL TERROIRS TO A GLOBAL MARKET (Brill Nijhoff, 2020), 311–345.


– Danny Friedmann, Julien Chaisse and Fernando Dias Simões, An Introduction to Wine Regulation in a Globalized Market: Prospects and Limits of Wine Governance, in Julien Chaisse, Fernando Dias Simões and Danny Friedmann (eds) WINE LAW AND POLICY, FROM NATIONAL TERROIRS TO A GLOBAL MARKET (Brill Nijhoff, 2020), 1-32.


 Oscillating from Safe Harbor to Liability: China’s IP Regulation and Omniscient Intermediaries, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF ONLINE INTERMEDIARY LIABILITY (Giancarlo Frosio, ed., Oxford: OUP 2020) 277-294.


– Correcting Information Asymmetry Via Deep Consumer Information; Compelling Companies to Let the Sunshine In, in CONSUMER LAW AND ECONOMICS (Klaus Mathis and Avishalom Tor, eds., Cham, Switzerland: Springer 2020) 151- 176.


– Geographical Indications in the EU, China and Australia, WTO Case Bottling Up Over Prosecco, in SIXTY YEARS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND GLOBAL POWER SHIFTS, PERCEPTIONS, INTERACTIONS AND LESSONS (Julien Chaisse ed.) Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019.


 Sacrificing the Patentability Standard of Novelty and Industrial Application on the Altar of Incremental Biotech Innovation in Hong Kong, in BIOTECHNOLOGY IN HONG KONG Volume III (Albert Wai-Kit Chan, ed., U.S.-China IP Institute, December 2017).


 TPP’s Coup de Grâce: How the Trademark System Prevailed as Geographical Indication System, in PARADIGM SHIFT IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW RULE-MAKING, TPP AS A NEW MODEL FOR TRADE AGREEMENTS? (Julien Chaisse, Henry Gao, and Chang-fa Lo eds., New York: Springer, Series “Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific,” November 2017), 273-291.


– Rise and demise of U.S. social media in China, A touchstone of WTO and BIT regulations, in CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON NON-TRADE CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW (Paolo Farah, ed., London: Routledge, September 2016).


– Paradoxes, Google and China - How Censorship Can Harm and Intellectual

Property Can Harness Innovation (July 1, 2011) in GOOGLE AND THE LAW: IT AND THE LAW (Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella, ed., The Hague: TMC Asser, 2012).

Cited by Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Niilo Jääskinen, in the Opinion C131/12 Google Spain of 25 June 2013.

 With Nina Jørgensen; Enforced Prostitution in International Law through the Prism of the Dutch Temporary Courts-Martial at Batavia, in HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW: Volume 2, (Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling and Yi Ping eds., Brussels: Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, 2014) 331-354.



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