Liav Orgad





  • Law & Justice

  • Citizenship, Technology & Governance


  • LL.D., (Doctor of Laws), School of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • LL.M., School of Law, Columbia University, USA

  • LL.M., School of Public Policy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • LL.B., School of Law, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC), Israel

  • B.A., School of Government, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC), Israel


Liav Orgad,北京大学国际法学院联合聘任制常驻杰出学者,欧洲大学学院(European University Institute,简称“EUI”)罗伯特·舒曼高级研究中心“全球公民治理(Global Citizenship Governance)”研究组主任,“WZB柏林社会科学中心的国际公民法”研究组负责人,柏林全球与跨地区研究院(BGTS)成员以及劳德政府学院跨学科中心(IDC)的副教授。他的研究重点是全球治理,技术创新,数字化,国际移徙,公民身份研究和宪法身份。近年来,Orgad曾担任哈佛大学Edmond J. Safra伦理学中心的教职研究员,哥伦比亚大学法学院和FGV Direito Rio的客座教授,柏林弗赖大学的玛丽居里研究员,纽约大学的富布赖特和罗斯柴尔德学者法学院和EUI的Jean-Monnet研究员。

Orgad已在《美国比较法期刊》(牛津出版社),《美国法律与经济期刊》(牛津出版社),《美国国际法期刊》(剑桥出版社),《国际宪法法》,ICON(牛津出版社),《加拿大法律与法学期刊》(剑桥出版社)和《德国法律杂志》(剑桥出版社)上发表过文章。他目前着手撰写的书是《公民的未来:技术如何塑造成员资格和归属感》(The Future of Citizenship: How Technology Shapes Membership and Belonging)(剑桥大学出版社预出版)。他之前的著作《文化的国家防御:多数权利的自由理论》(TheCultural Defenseof Nations: A LiberalTheoryof Majority Rights)由牛津大学出版社出版(2016年)。

Orgad的研究获得了罗素-萨奇总统奖和以色列科学基金会赠款。他获得了许多奖项,其中包括美国比较法协会颁发的 "最佳文章 "埃里克-斯坦恩奖,并获得了各种奖学金,包括富布赖特奖、让-莫内奖、玛丽-居里奖、ISEF奖和全球青年教师奖学金。他也是全球青年学院和欧洲青年学院的成员。



  • Liav Orgad,The Future of Citizenship: How Technology Shapes Membership and Belonging(under contract). Cambridge University Press.

  • Liav Orgad,The Cultural Defense of Nations: A Liberal Theory of Majority Rights(Oxford Constitutional Theory). Oxford University Press, 2016.

Book Volume

  • Drawing Boundaries: Moments of Change in the History of CitizenshipDieter Gosewinkel, Liav Orgad, and Federico Tomasello eds. Oxford University Press (forthcoming, 2025)


  • Liav Orgad, “When Is Immigration Selection Discriminatory?” 115American Journal of International Law Unbound345 (2021). Cambridge University Press.

  • Liav Orgad and Wessel Reijers, “How to Make the Perfect Citizen? Lessons from China’s Social Credit System,”Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law(2021).

  • Liav Orgad, “Forced to be Free: The Limit of European Tolerance,” 34Harvard Human Rights Journal1 (2021).

  • Liav Orgad, “The Citizen-Makers: Ethical Dilemmas in Immigrant Integration,” 25(6)《欧洲法研究》524 (2019).

  • Wessel Reijers, Iris Wuisman Primavera De Filippi, Liav Orgad, et al., “Now the Code Runs Itself: On-Chain and Off-Chain Governance of Blockchain Technologies,”Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy1 (2018)

  • Liav Orgad, “Liberalism, Allegiance, and Obedience: The Inappropriateness of Loyalty Oaths in A Liberal Democracy,” 17(1)Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence99 (2014). Cambridge University Press.

  • Badi Hasisi, Yoram Margalioth, and Liav Orgad, “Ethnic Profiling in Airport Screening: Lessons from Israel, 1968-2010,” 14(2)American Law & Economics Review517 (2012). Oxford University Press.

  • Liav Orgad, “The Preamble in Constitutional Interpretation,” 8(4)International Journal of Constitutional Law(I-CON) 714 (2011). Oxford University Press.

  • Liav Orgad, “Creating New Americans: The Essence of Americanism under the Citizenship Test,” 47(5)Houston Law Review1227 (2011).

  • Liav Orgad, “Illiberal Liberalism: Cultural Restrictions on Migration and Access to Citizenship in Europe,” 58(1)American Journal of Comparative Law53 (2010). Oxford University Press.

  • Liav Orgad and Theodore Ruthizer, “Race, Religion and Nationality in Immigration Selection: 120 Years after the Chinese Exclusion Case,” 26(2)Constitutional Commentary237 (2010).

Review Essays

  • Ashley Mantha-Hollands and Liav Orgad, “Citizenship at a Crossroad,” 18(4)International Journal of Constitutional Law(I-CON) (2021). Oxford University Press.

  • Liav Orgad, “At Home in Two Countries: The Past and Future of Dual Citizenship. By Peter J. Spiro” (Review Essay), 112(4)American Journal of International Law(2018), 789-795. Cambridge University Press.

  • Liav Orgad, “The Citizenship Puzzle,” 59(2)American Journal of Comparative Law594 (2011). Oxford University Press.

Edited Volumes

  • Majorities, Minorities, and the Future of Nationhood, Liav Orgad & Ruud Koopmans (eds.). Cambridge University Press (forthcoming, 2022).

  • “Constitutional Identity in the Age of Global Migration: Special Issue,” Jurgen Bast and Liav Orgad (eds.), 18(7)German Law Journal, 2017. Cambridge University Press.

  • The Nation State and Immigration: The Age of Population Movements, Anita Shapira, Yedidia Stern, Alexander Yakobson, and Liav Orgad (eds.), 2014. Sussex Academic Press.

Working Papers Series

  • Cities vs States: Should Urban Citizenship be Emancipated from Nationality?Rainer Bauböck & Liav Orgad (eds.), Florence: European University Institute, RSCAS 2020/16, 2020.

  • A Dystopian Future? The Rise of Social Credit Systems, Liav Orgad & Wessel Reijers (eds.), Florence: European University Institute, RSCAS 2019/94, 2019.

  • Cloud Communities: The Dawn of Global Citizenship?Liav Orgad & Rainer Bauböck (eds.), Florence: European University Institute, RSCAS 2018/28, 2018.

  • Never Again: The Holocaust, Trauma and Its Effect on Constitutional and International LawMattias Kumm and Liav Orgad eds. Verfassungsblog, 2024
