Asif H. Qureshi





  • International Economic Law

  • International Law in Northeast Asia

  • 国际税法

  • United States and the International Economic Order



  • PhD,伦敦政治与经济学院

  • LL.M.,伦敦政治与经济学院

  • LL.B.,伦敦大学


  • Called to the Bar at the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, UK


Qureshi教授拥有数十年学术研究、教学和全球咨询的专业经验,是国际公法和国际经济法领域的权威学者。他批判性地评估公认的智慧,带头开展突破性研究,赋予学习者权力,并在多样且不断变化的国际格局中为全球政策制定做出贡献。2012年至 2021年期间,他是韩国高丽大学的终身教授。在此之前,他是英国曼彻斯特大学的终身教授。他是英国伦敦Quadrant Chambers的大律师,曾担任多个政府和国际组织的顾问。他曾在世界各地多次担任访问教授职位。Qureshi教授是《曼彻斯特国际经济法》杂志的创始主编。他在国际期刊和书籍上发表了 80 多篇文章、章节和评论,撰写了 15 部专著和教科书,并编辑了来自国际前沿出版社的作品。他的文章被广泛引用,包括在国际经济组织和世贸组织上诉机构的工作中。

Qureshi教授是韩国商事仲裁委员会国际仲裁员小组的仲裁员;自 2002 年以来,他一直是世界贸易组织 (WTO) 争端解决机构任命的非政府专家组成员。

Qureshi教授毕业于伦敦大学,在英国伦敦政治经济学院获得LL.M.和PhD学位。他于1988年在日内瓦关贸总协定法律部实习;1992年他是耶鲁大学法学院的访问学者;2016 年,他成为国际货币基金组织(IMF)法律系的客座教授。 2018年,他被授予韩国荣誉首尔公民。




  • The Public International Law of Taxation, Text, Cases and Materials. (Kluwer Law International: 1994)

  • The World Trade Organisation–Implementing International Trade Norms, (Manchester University Press. Melland Schill Series (1996)).

  • Legal and Moral Aspects of International Trade. Routledge (1998). Joint editor with Professor H. Steiner and Professor G. Parry.

  • International Economic Law (Sweet & Maxwell (1999))

  • Perspectives in International Economic Law (ed) Aspen Publishers (formerly Kluwer Law International). (2002).

  • Interpreting WTO Agreements: Problems and Perspectives (Cambridge University Press: 2006)

  • International Economic Law (Second Edition)

  • Sweet and Maxwell October 2007. Co-authored with Professor Andreas Zeigler from Lausanne University, Switzerland.

  • Critical Concepts in Law: International Economic Law (Ed with Xuan GAO),(Routledge (2010))

  • Volume I General International Economic Law: Theory and Fundamental Concepts

  • Volume II: International Monetary and Financial Law

  • Volume III: World Trade Law

  • Volume IV: International Investment Law

  • Volume V: International Development Law

  • Volume VI: International Fiscal Law

  • International Economic Law (Sweet and Maxwell: Third Edition – 2011) Co-authored with Professor Andreas Zeigler from Lausanne University, Switzerland.

  • International Economic Organisations and Law: The Perspective and Role of the Legal Counsel (Jointlyedited with Xuan Gao). (Kluwer Law International: 2012.)

  • Interpreting WTO Agreements: Problems and Perspectives (Cambridge University Press: Second Edition 2015). This second edition is substantially revised with an additional chapter.

  • Contextualizing International Law in Northeast Asia (Hart: 2018)

  • International Economic Law (co-authored with Andreas Ziegler) (Sweet and Maxwell: Fourth Edition: 2019).

  • The Public International Law of Taxation,(Co-authored with Ajay Kumar)(Kluwer Law International 2019). Substantially revised since first edition with new chapter.

  • The United States and the International Economic Order (Routledge: Forthcoming 2022)


  • ‘The freedom of a State to legislate in fiscal matters under general international law’.Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation, Jan 1987, Volume 41 pp.4‑21. This article has been cited in a number of publications, and is on LL.M. International Tax reading lists in various Universities.

  • ‘Unitary taxation and general international law.’Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation, Feb 1987, Volume 41, pages 56‑64 and page 88. This article has been cited in several sources.

  • ‘Value aspects of IMF Conditionality.’Indian Journal of International Law, Volume 28 1988, pages 473‑485.

  • ‘Editorial control and the development of International Law’Political Quarterly Volume 61, No.3 pages 328‑339.

  • The new GATT Trade Policy Review Mechanism: an exercise in transparency or ‘enforcement?’Journal of World Trade, June 1990 Volume 24, No.3 pages 147‑160SSCI

  • ‘The impact of editorial control on the development of International Law’.Indian Journal of International Law Vol. 30 1990 pages 82-102.

  • ‘The mechanism of economic ‘surveillance’ in the framework of international organisations.’ University of Manchester, Faculty of Law Working Paper, 26 pages (Jan 1991)

  • ‘International Law and Tax Counsellors’,The African Journal ofInternational and Comparative Law, March 1992, Volume 4. Pt.1 pages 205‑215.

  • ‘Some reflections on the GATT TPRM, in the light of the Trade Policy Review of the European Communities ‑‑‑ A Legal Perspective’.Journal of World Trade, December 1992, pages 103-120.SSCI

  • ‘The role of GATT in the management of trade blocks ‑ an enforcement perspective.’Journal of World Trade, June 1993, pages 101-115.SSCI

  • ‘Some lessons from ‘developing countries’ trade policy reviews in the GATT framework — an enforcement perspective.’The World Economy May 1995 pp. 489-503

  • ‘The new international trade dispute settlement framework under the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations.’International Company and Commercial LawReview, June 1994, Issue 6 pages 201-205.

  • ‘Trade related aspects of international taxation —- a new WTO code of conduct?’Journal of World Trade, Vol. 30 No.2 pages, 161-194 April 1996.SSCI

  • ‘The OECD Multilateral Agreement on Investments’,International Trade Law & Regulation Vol. 4 Issue 3 (1998) pp124-126. Jointly with Professor Colin Fitzpatrick.

  • ‘Extraterritorial Shrimps, NGOs, and the WTO Appellate Body’.International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol.48 (1999) pages 199-206.SSCI

  • ‘Challenging quantitative restrictions for balance of payments purposes under the WTO’.International Trade Law & Regulation pp.28-31(March 2000)

  • ‘Biosafety and liberal trade codes for the transboundary movement of GMOs under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the WTO — coexistence or incoherence?’International and Comparative Law Quarterly (October 2000).SSCI

  • ‘Drafting anti-dumping legislation: issues and tips.’Journal of World Trade pp.19-32 (December 2000). SSCI

  • ‘Participation of developing countries in the WTO Dispute Settlement System’ in Journal of African Law Vol 47, No.2 (2003), 174-198. (By invitation).SSCI

  • ‘United States Tax Subsidies under DISC, FSC and ETI legislation within the framework of the WTO,’ (Joint article with Roman Grynberg, Deputy Director, Trade and Regional Integration, Commonwealth Secretariat).Journal of World Trade. 36(5) 979-992, 2002.SSCI

  • ‘Interpreting WTO Agreements for the Development Objective,’Journal of World Trade Vol 37 No.5 (Oct 2003).847-882 SSCI

  • ‘Preferential Rules of Origin and WTO disciplines with specific reference to the US practices in the textiles and apparel sectors.’Legal Issues of Economic Integration,Vol 32, number 1 (2005) pages 25-63.

  • ‘Development perspectives in the establishment of an appellate process in the investment sphere.’Transnational Dispute Management TDM Volume 2, I issue 02 – April 2005.

  • ‘International Trade for Development: the WTO as a Development Institution?’ 43:1 Journal of World Trade, February 2009.SSCI

  • ‘A Necessity Paradigm of ‘Necessity’ in International Economic Law ’Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (Volume 41, 2010 pages 99-136). Translated into Chinese and published in Chinese in the Journal of International Economic Law, Peking University Press, Volume 19, Number 4, 2012 pp.15-

  • ‘Critical Concepts in the New International Economic Order and its Impact on the Development of International Economic Law — A Tribute to the Call for a NIEO’ in Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, December Issue 2010.

  • ‘The WTO as a ‘facilitator’ in the harmonisation of domestic trade laws.’Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy SSCI (Jointly with N. Park) Volume 8, Number 1, March 2013 pp. 217-247.

  • ‘International Economic Law’Oxford Bibliographies in International Law (Jointly with Xuan Gao). OUP. Fall 2013 August 2020).

  • ‘Korea’s Responses in WTO ‘Disputes’ and ‘reviews’: A Perspective of Non-State Actors’ (with Nany Hur) Commissioned work by KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation. Korea, Volume 3, Number 1 March 2013 105-159.

  • ‘Distinguished Essay: Reflections on the Global Trading Order Twenty Years After Marrakesh: A Development Perspective’ in European Yearbook of International Economic Law (2014). By invitation.

  • ‘The FTA Paradigm for the Configuration of World Trade and Foreign Investment: The Case of Outward Processing Zones’.JWTFeb 2014 SSCI

  • ‘Interpreting Exceptions in the WTO Agreement: Lessons from the New Haven School’Asia Pacific Law Review (APLR). Issue 1 of 2014.SSCI

  • ‘Coherence in the Public International Law of Taxation: Developments in International Taxation and Trade & Investment Related Taxation,’Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy 2015.SSCI

  • ‘WTO Appellate Body Interpretations of TRIPS: Problems and Perspectives,’ Jointly with Minyoung Ko Asian Business Lawyer Volume 15 p.81.(2015)

  • ‘China/Pakistan Economic Corridor: National and International Law Implications,’ December 2015 Chinese Journal of International Law SSCI

  • General International Law as between Northeast Asian States: A commentary on Selected Sources’ (with Yoon-Kyung Lee & Kim,Pyounghwa, and assisted by Huang Ping Ping) International Law in Northeast Asia Data Base January 2016

  • ‘Contextualizing International Law in the Northeast Asian Matrix,’ Commissioned work by KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation.Vol.6 No.2, 2016

  • International Legal Aspects of ‘Monetary’ Relations In Northeast Asia,’ June 2017,Chinese Journal of International Law SSCI

  • ‘International Legal Aspects of Free Trade Agreements in Northeast Asia’MJIELVolume 16 Issue 1 2019 p.2-27.

  • ‘The World Trade Organization and the Promotion of Effective Dispute Resolution: In Times of a Trade War’AIIB Yearbook of International Law (2019)

  • ‘The Americanization of the International Economic Order and its Normative Boundaries. ’asian journal of wto & international health law and policyvolume 15 number 1 january 2020. SSCI

  • ‘United States Special 301 — A deeply Flawed Tool for IPR Regulation?’Journal of World Trade SSCI

  • ‘US Surveillance of Foreign Currency Exchange & Macroeconomic Practices’World Trade Review 2021

  • ‘A Public International Law Perspective of Section 232 of the US Trade Expansion Act,’Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy 2021.

Selected chapters in edited books

  • ‘TRIT — a new WTO code of conduct on trade-related aspects of international taxation?’ Chapter in Legal and MoralAspects of International Trade(eds) Qureshi, Steiner and Parry, (Routledge, 1998) pp.183-200

  • ‘Perspectives in International Economic Law — an eclectic approach.’ in Perspectives in International Economic Law (Ed) pp.9-28 A H Qureshi, Kluwer Law International, (2002).

  • ‘Participation of developing countries in the WTO Dispute Settlement System’ in WTO Dispute Settlement System 1995-2003, (Ed) F. Ortino & E-U Petersmann, Kluwer Law International, chapter 24. (2004).


Selected Invited Talks

  • Paper delivered at the University of Warsaw, in Poland on the 7th of October 1988 titled ‘The impact of editorial control on the development of international law and editorial responsibility in the international legal framework.’ (Warsaw / Manchester conference).

  • Key Note lecture delivered titled ‘Perspectives in International Economic Law’ at the School of Law, University of Korea, Seoul,Korea (Sept 2001).

  • Key Note paper delivered titled ‘Participation of developing countries in the WTO’ at Law School, University of Warwick,UK. (Feb 2001). By invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Paper delivered on ‘Interpreting WTO Agreements for Developing Members’ at WTO Round Table Conference at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law,UK, Annual Meeting on the14thJune 2002. By invitation.

  • Keynote Public Lecture at Fudan University (Nov 03) titled ‘Perspectives in International Economic Law,’ Shanghai,China.By invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Lecture given at The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London,UK on the 7thMay 2004 on ‘Development perspectives in the establishment of an appeal system in international investment disputes’ at a conference on ‘Appeals and Challenges to Investment Treaty Awards: Is it time for an Appellate System’. By invitation and expenses paid.

  • Keynote Lecture given at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi,Pakistan.2ndAugust 2004 on ‘Interpreting WTO Agreements: Problems and Issues’. By invitation.

  • Lecture given at the Conference on the Implementation of the DOHA Round of the World Trade Organization on 23/24thAugust in Budingen,Germany,titled ‘Appellate Processes in Investment Disputes’. By invitation and expenses paid.

  • Lecture given at the Third WTO/ADB/ECA Trade Policy Course for African Countries in Tunis,Tunisia September 2004 on ‘Interpreting WTO Agreements for the development objective.’ By invitation of the WTO and all expenses paid.

  • Staff Seminar at University of Malaysia Law School,Malaysia, August 2005: ‘Problems of interpreting WTO Agreements’. By invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Keynote Lecture given on ‘Interpreting WTO Agreements: Lessons from European Cases in the WTO’ at the University of Osaka, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University,Japan. November 2005. Honorarium Paid.

  • Lecture delivered at the Graduate Institute, Geneva,Switzerl and, January 8th2007:Problems and perspectives: Interpreting WTO Agreements.By invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Plenary Speaker: ‘WTO as a development institute’ 29thMarch 07 at the African/Nordic Institute in Uppsala,Sweden. Invited and all expenses paid.

  • Keynote Lecture delivered at Wuhan University, China May 2008 titled ‘Is the WTO a development institution?’ Invited and expenses paid.

  • Paper delivered at ILA Conference in Brazil August 2008 on ‘Appellate mechanisms in investment arbitration from a developing country perspective’.

  • Keynote Public Lecture in January 2009 at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, titled ‘Necessity in International Economic Law’. By invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Annual Ben Beinart Memorial Lecture at University of Cape Town,South Africa September 2010. Necessity in International Economic Law By invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Paper delivered at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna,Austria on ‘Necessity in International Economic Law’ in June 2010. All expenses paid.

  • Keynote Lecture delivered at Korea University Department of International Studies,Korea.Honorarium Paid.. Title of paper ‘Defining International Law in our Times’. September 2012. (See

  • Keynote Guest lecture given at Renmin University, Beijing,China November 2012 on ‘Defining International Economic Law in our times’. Invited and all expenses paid.

  • Speaker at the 5thInternational Conference on ‘New Haven and other Jurisprudential Perspectives on Conflict Resolution and Current Legal Problems’ September 2013. Held in Hong Kong, China. Paper on New Have School and interpretation of exceptions in the WTO. Invited and all expenses paid.

  • Paper delivered titled: ‘Developments in the Public International Law of Taxation: A Perspective on Trade and Investment Related Tax Issues,’ at the 6th Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence held in Hangzhou,China October 2014. By Invitation and all expenses paid.

  • Speaker at the Expert Meeting on “The Transformation of the International Investment Agreement Regime”, on 25-27 February 2015 UNCTAD, Geneva,Switzerland (Expenses paid by UNCTAD) 2015.

  • Special Lecture given at IMF Legal Department in Washington DC,USA on Monetary relations in Northeast Asia August 2016.

  • Plenary Speaker at conference titled: Contextualizing Social Justice in International and Transnational Law (Research workshop) at Windsor University,Canada in August 2016. Paper title: Contextualising International Law in Northeast Asia’ (All expenses paid).

  • Plenary speaker at conference held in Doha Qatar under Qatar-Korea Law Forum in October 2016 — ‘Monetary Relations in NEA.

  • Key Note Lecture at Renmin University,China February 2017 on Monetary Relations in NEA. (Honorarium and all expenses paid).

  • Speaker at AIIB Conference in Beijing,China September 2018 on WTO Dispute Settlement System and Trade Wars. Expenses paid.

  • Key-note Speaker at ILA Conference August 2018 Sydney Australia, in the International Taxation Study Group on Customary International Law and Rights of Taxpayers.

  • Key-note speaker at Irvine, University of California,USA November 2018 titled ‘Contextualising International Law in Northeast Asia,’ By invitation and expenses paid.

  • Key-note speaker at Conference organised by the Pakistan Embassy, Seoul Korea on International Humanitarian Law February 2019.

  • Distinguished Guest Speaker at Zhejiang University,China,December 2019 at Conference on Rule of Law. Paper tittle: Taxpayer rights in International Law. (All expenses paid).

  • University of Portsmouth,UK Special Guest Speaker on Americanisation of International Economic Law

  • Key-note speaker 16thALIN International Conference, Seoul,Korea. Talk titled Americanisation of International Economic Order — An Asian Perspective

  • Key-note Speaker at the 2021 Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy Symposium,USA, February 2021 webinar format. Paper title: A Public International Law Perspective of Section 232 of the US Trade Expansion Act.

  • Key Note Speaker (Webnair) Kashmir Day organised by Pakistan Embassy Korea—‘Unilateral Abrogation of Special Status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir: Perpetuation of Colonisation by India? August 5th2021.
