



  • J.S.D. 耶鲁大学法学院

  • LL.M. 耶鲁大学法学院

  • J.D. 北京大学国际法学院

  • 法律硕士 北京大学国际法学院

  • 经济学学士 天津财经大学



卢毅在耶鲁大学法学院进行法学博士学位和法学硕士学位攻读期间,曾担任蔡中曾中国中心(the Paul Tsai China Center at Yale Law School)高级研究员,全球健康正义合作项目(Global Health Justice Cooperation)研究员、耶鲁健康政策、法律和道德杂志(Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics)高级编辑以及耶鲁国际法杂志(Yale Journal of International Law)高级编辑。她在在北京大学国际法学院进行J.D.和法律硕士(J.M.)学位攻读期间,是该院Willem C. Vis (East) Moot 模拟法庭代表队和跨国法律诊所的成员。此外,她曾担任北京大学国际法学院讲师和跨国法律研究中心助理主任,并曾在英国高伟绅律师事务所(Clifford Chance LLP)、美国美富律师事务所(Morrison & Foerster LLP)、权亚律师事务所和深圳市政府工作,并多次受邀担任Willem C. Vis (East) Moot 模拟法庭比赛(香港)的仲裁员。



  • Yi Lu, Chinese Professional Consumers at 30: The Rise and Impending Fall, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RISK REGULATION (2024 forthcoming).

  • Yi Lu, The Role of Technology in Consumer ADR - The China Case, BOĞAZIÇI LAW REVIEW (2024 forthcoming).

  • Yi Lu, Regulating “Employee Sharing” in Post-pandemic China, LAW AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (2024), https://doi.org/10.1515/ldr-2024-0012.

  • Yi Lu, Revisiting the role of media in risk communication—A case study on China in the COVID-19 crisis, Conference papers on Current Legal Issues in the Coronavirus Period (2020).

  • Yi Lu, Critical Thinking about the Precautionary Principle in China’s Food Safety Law, 11(4) Frontiers of Law in China, 692-717 (2016).

  • Yi Lu, Challenges in China-ASEAN Food Safety Cooperation Governance Through Soft Law, 1 Peking UNIVERITY Transnational LAW Rereview. 141-155 (2015).

  • Yi Lu, Exploring Aggressive Legalism: Is Now A Good Time to Promote This Approach in Greater Asia?, 6(1) Asian Journal of Law and Economics 85-123 (2015).

  • Yi Lu, To Be an Aggressive but Patient Learner—Analysis of China’s Participation in Defending Anti-Dumping Challenges within the WTO Framework, 1 Peking UNIVERITY Transnational LAW Rereview. 373-419 (2013).

  • Yi Lu, On How to Promote Food Safety Cooperation Between the Mainland and Macao in the Context of "One Country, Two Systems" -- On the Improvement of National Governance Capacity (论在一国两制背景下如何促进内地与澳门的食品安全合作——兼论国家治理能力的提升), 2014 Cross-Strait Youth Forum on the Development of the Rule of Law (2014年两岸四地法治发展青年论坛) (2014).

  • Francis Snyder, Yi Lu & Gulrez Yazdani, Traditional Chinese Medicine and European Union Law: Cultural Logics, Product Identities, Market Competition, Legal Rechanneling, and the Need for Global Legal and Medical Pluralism, 2(1) Peking UNIVERITY LAW JOURNAL, 130-200 (2014).

  • Francis Snyder & Yi Lu, Transnational Law and the EU: Reflections from WISH in China, 19(6) EUROPEAN LAW JOURNAL, 705–10 (2013).


  • Francis Snyder & Yi Lu (eds.), The Future of Transnational Law: EU, USA, China and the BRICS/Le Futur du Droit Transnational: L’Union Européenne, Les États-Unis, La Chine et Les BRICS (9th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH)/9ème Rencontre Internationale des Jeunes Chercheurs (RIJC)) (Bruylant Publishers, Brussels, 2014).

Book chapter(s):

  • Yi Lu, Consumer ADR in China, CONSUMER ADR AROUND THE WORLD (Taylor & Francis Group, 2024 forthcoming).



  • Contributing English Translator: Ping Jiang, The Vicissitudes (English edition, 2015) (Chinese edition: 江平,《沉浮与枯荣:八十自述》 (北京:法律出版社,2010) ).

  • Contributing Chinese Translator: ()德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust);荣丽亚译,《创新之母》(北京:人民出版社, 2015) (English edition: Drew Gilpin Faust, Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War (Chapel Hill & London: The University of North Carolina Press, 2004)).

  • Contributing Chinese Translator: ()鲍勃·伍德拉夫著;荣丽亚译,《在瞬间:一个家庭的爱与治疗之旅》(English edition: Bob Woodruff & Lee Woodruff, In an Instant: A Family's Journey of Love and Healing (Random House Publishing Group, 2007)).

  • Contributing Chinese Translator: ()杰弗里·雷蒙(Jeffrey Lehman)著,周成刚&荣丽亚译《乐观的心康奈尔大学校长演讲集》(北京:北京语言大学,2013) (English edition: Jeffrey Sean Lehman, An Optimistic Heart: What Great Universities Can Give Their Studentsand the World (Cornell University, 2008)).
