Joy Xiang





  • 美国知识产权法纵览

  • 专利法

  • 国际知识产权

  • 知识产权策略

  • 东亚知识产权


Juris Doctor, Masters, Graduate Certificate, Bachelor of Science, in Law, Public Policies, Technology Entrepreneurship, and Computer Science. University of Washington


Joy Xiang教授的研究侧重于探索加强创新和合作的方法。她的教学内容包括美国及国际知识产权制度、专利法和知识产权战略。Xiang教授在美国接受了法律、公共政策、技术创业和计算机科学方面的教育。在加入STL之前,Xiang教授曾作为兼职教授在华盛顿大学法学院任教,并作为知识产权研究员在伊利诺伊理工学院芝加哥-肯特法学院任教。


  • Presenter. Critical Emerging Technologies, Intellectual Property, and Standardization. UW-Texas A&M Asian IP Scholars Roundtable, Seattle, USA (2023).

  • Lecturer. Emerging Technologies, Intellectual Property, and Standardization. WIPO-China Summer School, China (2023).

  • Presenter. Standardization in China.IP Scholars Conference, Cardozo School of Law, U.S.A. (2023).

  • Book Talk, Intellectual Property and Clean Technology, WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland (Podcast, 2023).

  • Panelist. Recent Policy Trends – Global or Regional Standards, Winter Innovation Conference 2023, European University Institute, Florence, Italy (2023).

  • Speaker. Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Cleantech: A Pathway for the LDCs. WTO Annual Workshop to Member Countries on Technology Transfer to the LDCs, Geneva, Switzerland (online, 2022).

  • Moderator and Commentator.Technology Law. 6th Annual IP Scholars Roundtable, Texas A&M University School of Law, U.S.A. (2022)

  • Presenter. Access to Undisclosed Know-how.

  • a. Annual Academic Roundtable, University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, U.S.A. (2022).

  • b. IP Scholars Conference, Stanford University, U.S.A. (2022).

  • c. IP and Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference (online, 2022).

  • Lecturer. Cleantech and Patents. University of Washington School of Law, U.S.A. (2022).

  • Book Talk. Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Cleantech: A Pathway for Developing Countries. University of California at Berkeley, School of Law, U.S.A. (online, 2021).

  • Moderator. IP Jurisprudence. WIPO-WTO Colloquium for IP Teachers, Geneva, Switzerland (online, 2021).

  • Presenter. Intellectual Property, Antitrust Law, Access to Essential Technologies, at

  • a. International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research for Intellectual Property, Copenhagen, Denmark (online, 2021).

  • b. Annual Academic Roundtable, University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, U.S.A. (online, 2021).

  • c. Asia IP and Innovation Researchers Conference, Malaysia(online, 2021).

  • Discussant. International Cleantech Cooperation: Climate Change, WIPO Green & the Paris Agreement,Legal Frontiers, Peking University School of Transnational Law (online, 2020).

  • Presenter. Cleantech Innovation by Developing Countries, at

  • a. International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research for Intellectual Property, Vanderbilt University, U.S.A (2019).

  • b. WIPO-WTO Colloquium, Geneva, Switzerland (2017).

  • c. IP Scholars Conference, Yeshiva University Cardozo School of Law, U.S.A. (2017).

  • Presenter. IPR Management in International Cleantech Cooperation, at

  • a. Works in Progress for IP, University of Houston Law Center, U.S.A. (2019).

  • b. Junior IP Scholars Roundtable, Northwestern University School of Law, U.S.A. (2018).

  • c. IP Scholars Conference, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A. (August 2018).

  • Moderator. Soft Law and Standards for Legal Innovation,International Workshop on Soft Law, Peking University School of Transnational Law (2019).

  • Lecturer. International IP and China’s Belt Road Initiative, at Pearl River Delta Academy of International Trade and Investment Law, Macau, China (2019).

  • Moderator. Risk Mitigation, Licensing, and Partnerships Strategies,at Tsinghua-Berkley Transnational IP Litigation Conference, China (2018).

  • Presenter. IPR and Cleantech, at Book Launch for EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations, Shenzhen, China (2018).

  • Lecturer. International IP and IP Development at the Greater Bay Area, at Pearl River Delta Academy of International Trade and Investment Law, Macau, China (2018).

  • Lecturer. International Intellectual Property, at Pearl River Delta Academy of International Trade and Investment Law, Macau, China (2017).

  • Presenter. The Unique Case of PKU-STL, at the Legal Education: Present and Future Global Changes Conference, Tokyo, Japan (2017).

  • Presenter. IP Implications in China’s Free Trade Agreements, at the International Corporate Practice – Tax and IP Issues Symposium, Tokyo, Japan (2017).

  • Presenter. Addressing Climate Change: Domestic Innovation, International Cooperation, and International Aid,at European Policies of IP Conference, Oxford University, United Kingdom (2016).

  • Lecturer. The TRIPS Agreement.IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, U.S.A. (2014).

  • Lecturer.International Patenting. University of Washington School of Law, U.S.A. (2014).

  • Speaker. Developing a Global Patent Portfolio. University of Washington School of Law, U.S.A. (2013).

  • Speaker. U.S. Patent Procurement.National Science and Technology Development Agency, Bangkok, Thailand (2013).

  • Moderator. Patent Exhaustion – International Views. East China University of Political Science and Law, China (2013).

  • Master of Ceremony. U.S. – China Subnational Relationship Building. The Tai Initiative and Seattle University, U.S.A. (2013).

  • Speaker. Software and Business Method Patenting. People’s University School of Law, China (2012).
