公开讲座 – 美国的气候政策和清洁能源:近期趋势与未来展望






2015年1月9日14:30-16:00深圳西丽大学城北京大学C栋303,Danny Cullenward教授将为学生开展题为“美国的气候政策和清洁能源:近期趋势与未来展望(Climate Policy and Clean Energy in the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects)”的公开讲座,届时欢迎同学们踊跃参加。


Danny Cullenward joined UC Berkeley as a Philomathia Research Fellow in September 2013, after completing his J.D. at Stanford Law School and his Ph.D. in Environment & Resources (E-IPER) at Stanford University.

Danny was the first J.D./Ph.D. student in E-IPER, where he was a David and Lucile Packard Foundation Stanford Graduate Fellow. His thesis research integrated insights from energy economics and law to support the development of effective, science-based climate policy at the state and federal levels. Working through Stanford’s Environmental Law Clinic, Danny focused on strengthening California’s climate policy through litigation, public comments, and regulatory development processes. With colleagues in engineering and law, he also created new methods for assessing the distributional impacts of national carbon tax legislation on household expenditures.

Before graduate school, Danny worked for MAP Royalty, Inc., an energy investment company in Palo Alto. At MAP, he was responsible for supporting energy education at Stanford, including co-teaching the University’s largest energy class and organizing a field research seminar to visit major energy installations in China. Previously, Danny was a Research Associate with the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, where he conducted fieldwork on energy policy in China, India, Brazil, and Norway.

He holds a B.S. with interdisciplinary honors in Earth Systems, and an M.S. in Management Science & Engineering, both from Stanford.