【直播预告】2020 U.S. Presidential Election — Issues, Outcome and Implications

主题:2020 U.S. Presidential Election — Issues, Outcome and Implications


主持人:Dean Philip McConnaughay





James A. Gardner

Distinguished Professor at State University of New York; Bridget and Thomas Black Professor of Law;Research Professor of Political Science, State University of New York at Buffalo

James A. Gardner教授是美国宪法和选举法领域的资深专家。他的文章发表在《哥伦比亚法律评论》,《密歇根法律评论》,《德克萨斯法律评论》,《国际宪法法杂志》,《美国比较法杂志》以及许多其他重要的出版物中。他的著作包括《美国政治体系中的选举法》,《竞选运动是为了什么——说服在选举法和政治中的作用》和《法律论点:有效辩护的结构和语言》。

2012年,Gardner教授在蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学(MugGill University)担任客座研究员,负责宪法和联邦制的理论与实践。2015年,他在欧洲学院比较联邦主义研究所担任常驻联邦主义学者。2018年,他在巴塞罗那大学担任客座教授。



What is the actual role of the popular vote in the U.S. presidential election? What is the Electoral College and how does it work? May a candidate lose the popular vote and still win the presidency? Is it true that a founding principle of the United States was a fear of democracy and a desire to limit popular participation? Is it possible for the U.S. Supreme Court to decide the outcome of the election?



Ellen Campbell,美国威斯康星州选民保护助理主任

Duncan Alford,北京大学国际法学院副院长

Mark Feldman,北京大学国际法学院教授

Thomas Man,北京大学国际法学院实务教授


Why do the rules of voting in a national election vary from state to state? What was the mail-in absentee ballot controversy all about? What is voter suppression? How did Chinese-Americans vote? What are the foreign policy implications of Biden’s apparent election? What is Trump likely to do between now and Biden’s swearing in on January 20?