【讲座预告】Common v. Civil Law: “The Emperor Has No Clothes”

主题:Common v. Civil Law: The Emperor Has No Clothes

主讲人:Holger Spamann, Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law, Havard Law School

主持人:Norman P. Ho,北京大学国际法学院教授


ZOOM会议室:897 6193 8870 (密码: 610817)




The common/civil law distinction is clothed in fantastic tales. Common and civil lawyers ostensibly 'think differently.' Many even still believe that common law is characterized by case law, civil law by its absence. Such essentializations are baseless: there is no evidence supporting them, and no reason to expect them to be true.


Holger Spamann is the Lawrence R. Grove Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where he teaches corporate law and corporate finance. His research focuses on the law and economics of corporate governance and financial markets, judicial behavior, and comparative law. Before embarking on his academic career, he practiced with Debevoise & Plimpton in New York and clerked for two years in Europe. He holds too many degrees, among them a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. He is a member of the bar of New York and qualified for the German bar.