
By Eric H. Mao, Director of Academic Affairs


本届辩论赛由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(贸仲委)主办,累计73 场比赛,共有来自国内33所著名高等院校法学院(系)代表队的200余名选手参加比赛。比赛邀请了包括多名外籍律师和仲裁员在内的国内外知名律师、仲裁员50余人担任模拟仲裁庭的评委。


谈到获奖感言,郭雨飞表示, “在贸仲杯过程中认识了很多朋友,也逐渐对仲裁有了更多认识。这次的夺冠,既得益于师友的帮助,也得益于在国法的训练。” 王弼宇则说,“很高兴能参加贸仲杯,认识了更多的朋友。贸仲杯着实为法学院学生提供了亲身接触法律实践的大舞台。更高兴的是能蝉联冠军!是STL的课程奠定了我们今日成功的基石。”


“贸仲杯”国际商事仲裁辩论赛由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(贸仲委)主办。“贸仲杯”所用赛题与国际商事仲裁模拟法庭竞赛(Vis International)相同,赛题主要与联合国国际货物销售合同公约相关,并按照实际仲裁听证的流程展开。比赛全程使用英语进行。

The CIETAC Cup is sponsored by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). The CIETAC Cup uses the same case problem as the international Vis competition, focused around the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and simulating an actual arbitral hearing. The competition is held entirely in English.

The four students on STL’s Vis team are among 23 who participate each year in the school’s international moot court program. The moot court competitions provide intense training in legal writing and oral advocacy, helping to augment skills acquired in the school’s Transnational Legal Practice program. Faculty coaches work closely with each moot court team to guide learning while the law school provides financial support for travel.

This year, in addition to the Vis team competing in Vienna, STL has teams competing in the Vis (east) Competition (based in Hong Kong), the European Law Student Association WTO Moot Court (based in Geneva), the International Criminal Court Trial Competition (based at the Hague), the Jessup International Law Moot Court (based in Washington, D.C.), and the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court (based in Hong Kong).
