
2017年12月9日至10日,北京大学第十七届青年教师教学基本功比赛在京举行。我院John Aycock和Yi Seul Kim两位老师参赛并荣获佳绩,John Aycock荣获人文社科类一等奖和优秀教案奖,Yi Seul Kim荣获人文社科类三等奖。


John Aycock曾任我院C.V.Starr讲师,现主管学院LL.M.项目和国际交流项目,同时也活跃在学院相关活动的课堂上,包括夏令营、招生开放日等。他表示:“北京大学一直把学生教育体验放在首位,鼓励教师,特别是青年教师积极参与类似的教育活动。我所在的STL,在这项比赛中屡创佳绩,正是由于我们采用了独树一帜的教学方法,将讲授、苏格拉底式教学和行业实践有机结合起来。这样一来,越来越多的学生能够从STL这种深度参与式学习中得到难题的答案,也有越来越多的学生选择了STL。”

“很荣幸能有此机会跟教学方式各异的老师交流,这让我受益匪浅,”Yi Seul Kim老师说道。她2014年毕业于北京大学国际法学院,在哈佛法学院获得LL.M.学位,现为学院C.V.Starr讲师,主授跨国法律实务课程。

STL has enjoyed a track record of success at the PKU Young Teachers Teaching Competition. In 2015, Nathaniel Reisenberg, then C.V. Starr Lecturer of Law, won the First Prize in the Teaching Competition.

“STL’s tradition of positive reception in these events is a testament to the effectiveness of the unique teaching style we utilize, blending lecture, the Socratic method, and practical elements into a cohesive whole. There are numerous benefits to more robust engagement from students in seeking answers to difficult questions. Indeed, this is why many of our students decided to come to STL,” remarked Aycock.