

本届贸仲杯由北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会举办,吸引了国内40所多著名高等院校的46支代表队400余名选手参加比赛,由来自10多个国家级地区的约100名中外仲裁员、律师和专家担任评委。我院代表队由John H. Aycock老师作为指导教师,2015级蔡金兰、秦士杰、周容宇、郭馨等四名同学组成。我院代表队在比赛中充分展示了法律研究方面深厚的功力,获得了仲裁员和其他参赛队伍的盛赞,最终获得了总分第三的佳绩。




作为此次比赛的指导老师,STL讲师John Aycock说道:“除了在比赛中展现非凡的智力和能力,在比赛之外,我们的代表队也显得十分注目。他们尊重仲裁员和其他院校的选手,诚恳而热忱,不负我对STL学子的期望。能够担任他们的指导老师是一件很棒的事情,我常常觉得自己从他们身上收获的比他们从我身上收获的要多。他们让我认为在STL教学是一次很神奇的经验。”


Recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Award, Yu Yadian applauded the students for their ability to balance the competition and STL’s heavy workload. Remembering her own participation in Vis, she also spoke of the competition’s intangible rewards: “This experience is much more than a few rounds of oral arguments and a mountain of documents, and I am sure it will benefit them in a profound way, as it has benefitted me.”

As faculty coach to the team, it is worth stressing that, in addition to displaying superior intellect and skill in the rounds, the students conducted themselves as noteworthy outside the moot court room. With both students from other schools and arbitrators, they were respectful, cordial, and warm–in short, all that I have come to expect from STL. It has been wonderful to coach such dedicated and inspiring students, and I often feel I ended up learning more from them than they did from me. I will never forget the memories we shared together, from staying up late in the hotel to learn the results from the preliminaries, to hearing the decision in the semifinals. The students are what make teaching at STL a magical experience.

Although certainly deserved, there is little time for rest. The students already have their sights set on April when they will travel to Vienna to compete in the Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Cai Jinlan is looking forward to “another amazing journey to Vienna,” and Zhou Rongyu anticipates even more fun in Europe. Speaking for the team, Qin Shijie summed up the entire experience as an “unparalleled adventure” that the team takes together.

That adventure has just begun.

(Special thanks to C.V. Starr Lecturer and Vis Team Coach John Aycock for authoring this news.)